The Stress and Diet Connection

Is stress sabotaging your healthy diet and lifestyle goals? If so, you’re not alone. Occasional stress can temporarily elevate certain hormones in the body, particularly cortisol, which is known to increase appetite. Unfortunately, that increased appetite doesn’t settle for fruits and veggies. Instead, and all to often, stress causes us to reach for foods that “comfort” us. However, those foods tend to be ones that are highly processed, loaded with sugar, high in fat and set back our goals.

Adopting healthy habits to reduce and counteract stress can go a long way in keeping us on track with our plans for a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Try some of these tips to better manage stress eating:

  1. Exercise.  The next time you find yourself mindlessly reaching into the pantry or fridge in search of an extra snack, catch yourself and try to make a habit of doing a quick 5 minute exercise or stretch instead. Squats? Pushups? Lunges? Crunches? Yoga? Get creative and give your body something it actually needs!
  2. Hydrate.  Keeping well hydrated, by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, has countless health benefits and can also help us to avoid excess snacking. Often we may mistake thirst for hunger, so next time you find yourself craving something sweet, try drinking a glass of water first to see if the craving subsides.
  3. Meditate.  Sitting quietly to clear our mind, even for a few minutes, can reduce stress and help us become more mindful of how we’re feeling. We can also learn to pay more attention to how we respond to stress and avoid emotional eating.

Share your tips to avoid stress eating!

Lauren Taylor

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Stress can lead to food cravings

Work, kids, bills ? it?s a perfect recipe for stress. And it may be causing you to gain weight. Food cravings are easy to succumb to during stressful times, but there are ways to overcome the anxiety and keep the cravings at bay.

Fact: Food cravings often arise from stress. Stress promotes weight gain, while relaxation promotes weight loss. When your body is stressed, blood sugar levels are raised dramatically as the liver dumps stored glucose into the bloodstream. When you are relaxed, blood sugar levels are maintained in the normal range. Some of the most popular relaxation techniques are meditation, prayer, progressive relaxation, self-hypnosis and biofeedback.

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Stop eating your feelings

Do you find yourself yanking open the freezer door for that box of rocky road ice cream after a bad day at work or fight with your best friend? Whether it?s stress, sadness or boredom, emotional eating can sabotage your diet. That?s because you probably aren?t looking for healthy foods like fruits or veggies, but instead are seeking out high-calorie, high-fat snacks like cookies, chips and ice cream.

Here are some tips to help keep the pounds down even when your emotions are running high:

Identify your hunger triggers.

Keep a food journal, and write down when and what you eat. Also write down what you were doing or feeling before you ate. This will help you find patterns in your eating habits, and determine if you are eating because you are actually hungry or if you are reacting to an emotion.

Tame your stress.

When your kids are screaming in the next room and a tight work deadline has you ready to climb up the wall, it?s important to learn healthy strategies for dealing with stress. Try taking a walk to blow off steam, or soaking in a warm bubble bath. Remember that stress can be worsened if you aren?t getting enough sleep at night, so shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Beat boredom.

Do you often find yourself digging through the kitchen because you have nothing else to do? Next time try heading out for a bike ride to explore the homes in your neighborhood. Has it been awhile since you read a good paperback? Head to your local library and stock up on free books.

Take away temptation.

You can?t gobble down a whole sleeve of cookies if you don?t have them in the first place. Rid your kitchen of extra unhealthy snacks. Nibble instead on healthy foods like fruits, yogurt, or carrot sticks. It is OK to splurge on a treat every now and then, but there?s a difference between keeping a small bag of dark chocolates and having an entire shelf devoted to junk food.

Surprisingly, emotional eating doesn’t have to be a problem. Everyone eats for emotional reasons every now and then. It?s when eating becomes the only strategy someone uses to manages emotions that a problem arises. Learning to make smart food choices and eating in moderation is key to keeping your weight on track.

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The Latest in Running Gear: Toe Shoes

PGX checks out the hot new trend for runners: running barefoot!

Runner or not, you’ll be intrigued: the latest running gear for those who enjoy almost barefoot running!

The no-shoes fitness trend is seems to be the “in” thing for runners. It’s a running style that’s grown in popularity thanks to evidence that it can reduce injuries and strengthen your feet. I know what you’re thinking: “Reduce injuries? If I run barefoot, I’ll probably cut my feet!” Good point. That’s exactly what I thought and that’s exactly what certain running shoe companies were thinking when they created the “minimalist” running shoe.

Hardcore “barefooters” will turn their noses up at the latest running gear trend: toe shoes. Remember those crazy toe socks where each toe had it’s own little sleeve? Well now you can get yourself some toe shoes! These shoes are the absolute bare minimum and act as more of a protective sleeve for your foot.Their essential feature is a tactile and flat bottom, lacking the elevated heel cushion typically found on running shoes. Now, people who like the idea of running barefoot but aren’t too keen on cutting their soles on a rock can wear these toe shoes!

Curious to know more or want a pair of these practically barefoot running shoes?  L.A. Times writer, Roy Wallack has got the details on the toe shoes out there.

Happy running everyone!

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