Pets & Your Waistline

How to turn caring for your canine into caring for your waistline.

We’ve all been there: you arrive home from work and all you want to do is flop down on the couch, close your eyes and relax. The absolute last thing you want to do is change into your work out gear and head to the gym. But you have goals set for yourself and those goals aren’t going to achieve themselves, at least not when it come to your weight loss goals. You’re at a cross roads.

Cue your MOTIVATION: Your pet!

I can’t even tell you the amount of times that my dog has gotten me off my butt in the evening for a refreshing and energizing run or walk. It’s good for her, for me and for my mood. And the great news is, you don’t have to go for a run; just by walking, you’re burning a couple hundred calories (number dependent on the length of your walk) and staying active, which is the main goal anyway, right? So, if you’re not feeling the gym today, use your dog to get you motivated and moving. He or she will love you for it!

If you’re not a dog person or don’t have a pet, a great alternative to dog walking is starting a walking group with your friends. You get some fresh air, burn some calories and get to be social. Win, win. Or combine the best of both worlds and start a walking group with your friends who also have dogs. That’s what I did. 🙂

Happy dog walking!

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Summer breeze, makes me feel fine.

The familiar smell of fresh cut grass tells me that spring is in the air, and summer is right around the corner.

With warmer temperatures arriving this week, I’ve noticed that people seem just a little bit happier. I’ve also noticed that the outfits are getting lighter and brighter for the upcoming season. If you’re like me, you’re taking a good look at your wardrobe and thinking maybe it’s time for an update.

No matter your size or shape we have put together some must have pieces that will make you feel a little lighter and brighter this summer.

Beach Dress: I bet you already have one or two in your closet! They are fun to wear and are great for those really hot days. Slip on a light jacket and you’re ready to go from the beach to the office!

Tank Tops: You can wear them under shirts, jackets, dresses, etc. they are very versatile and a great way to quickly freshen up your wardrobe.

Capris/Cropped Pants: If you must wear pants, chose materials that are lighter than denim. You won’t be as hot wearing them. Wear your cropped pants with a kitten heel, pump or wedge to help elongate your leg. They will transition nicely from spring into summer!

What fun clothes do you look forward to wearing in the summer months?


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Strawberry Greek Yogurt Smoothie

This is my all time favorite go-to smoothie.

You can use it as a base and throw in your favorite fruits. Don’t like strawberries? No problem, use some blueberries. Add soy or almond milk



  • 1 cup Organic Greek Yogurt, plain
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1 cup strawberries (frozen berries will make your smoothie ice-cold!)
  • 1 scoop Satisfast – Whey Protein Vanilla Powder


  1. Add all ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Pour into cups and enjoy!


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The Many Benefits of Exercise

Did you know that exercise does more than slim your figure?!

Read on to discover 24 fabulous benefits of getting your exercise groove on!

We often talk about how exercise will help you control those cravings and lose the weight you want to lose. But there really is so much more to exercise than that! Exercise comes with many benefits, both physical and mental! For example, it makes you strong, physically yes but also mentally. Think about it: when it would be so much easier to just plop yourself onto the couch after work or stay bundled up in blankets early in the morning, and you stll get yourself up and moving? Mental strength!

In my internet searchings for interesting tidbits to share, I came across an article at BC Living, 24 Awesome Benefits of Exercise. Here are 24 awesome (like they said) reasons why we should all get at the very least, 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. If you are like me and looking for some motivation, this article will be a big help!

Until tomorrow everyone! Get your exercise on!


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2013: The Year of Quinoa

This year’s food of choice is (drum roll, please!) … QUINOA!

United Nations name 2013 International Year of Quinoa.

The first time that I ever heard of quinoa was almost four years ago. A friend of mine, who was testing out the paleo diet at the time, was cooking some up one day when I happened upon the package sitting on the kitchen counter.

“What is this ‘quinn-OH-a’ that you’re eating?” I asked. To which he replied (with a visible shake of his head), “It’s pronounced ‘keen-wah’. And it’s really quite good for you.” He went on to explain the many health benefits that quinoa provides. However, feeling foolish at my pronounciation faux-pas, I avoided this “keen-wah” for a substantial amount of time before giving it a try myself. (I can be quite stubborn…) Eventually, however, I tried it, loved it, and currently consider it a stample in my diet. Which is why I’m delighted to hear the 2013 has been declared Year of Quinoa! For once, it would seem that I’m ahead of the curb 😉

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend giving it a try. You can start slow, and sprinkle a little bit it on top of a leafy salad or jump right in and make one of my favourites, quinoa Greek salad (Greek salad with a quinoa base!). It also makes a great side dish or rice substitute.


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