Sugar Addicts Rejoice! A Testimonial

“I am totally sold on this product.”

A testimonial from a PGX’er who put an end to her sugar cravings with PGX.

PGX’er, A.N., wrote in to tell us that PGX had helped her in a way she never thought possible; it helped stop her sugar cravings! We were thrilled to hear from A.N. about her success with PGX. Read A.N.’s full testimonial below.

“Hi, I just want to thank you for this product!! I bought my first bottle last Thursday and am amazed!! I was a sugar addict. I was always craving sweets and it was wrecking my diet. I had looked at PGX several times and never bought it. Then one day I said ?well, I think I will give it a try?. I am totally sold on this product. I have not had a craving for sweets since I started taking this and my insides feel calm, that’s the only way I can explain it, a calmness inside me. I feel satisfied all the time now. I am doing the Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise and really like the diet and PGX is a good additive. I need to lose about 30 lbs and I know I will do it! A very satisfied customer!


We want to hear from you! Share you PGX success story with us.


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Workout Nutrition [Infographic]

We’ve got the ultimate guide to workout nutrition!

Don’t undermine your efforts to get in shap with poor eating habits!

We’ve found an excellent infographic to share. So often I hear people say, “I’m exercising regularly but I can’t see anything changing!” Well, I’m sure on the inside, plenty of good things are happening, but if you can’t seem to lose the weight, then it could be your nutrition. Check out this infographic and get the skinny on workout nutrition!

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Tasty Tuesday: The Paleo Edition

Welcome to the Paleo Edition of Tasty Tuesday!

If you’re following the Paleo Diet, here are some tasty breakfast ideas.

Seeing how yesterday we discussed what constitutes the Paleo Diet and what doesn’t, I thought that we could explore some different paleo recipe options today for Tasty Tuesday. With restrictions on several food categories that many people would describe as an integral part of their daily diet (think dairy and cereal grains), I can appreciate that finding delicious paleo recipes may be a bit of a challenge – especially, for breakfast.

Fortunately for all of you paleo eaters out there, we have found a cumulation of 20 Paleo Breakfast Ideas from the blog, Life With 4 Boys, that all look absolutely drool-worthy! From egg benedict to waffles, these recipes look so good that people who aren’t even following the paleo diet may want to try them. And don’t forget to sprinkle your PGX on beforehand!


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Guilt-Free: Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

In honour of February being Heart Health Month today’s guilt-free temptation comes from the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Indulge in chocolate with this healthy recipe!

All the chocolate fans raise your hands! WOW, that’s a lot of hands! Well, you don’t need to feel guilty about indulging in these bite-size brownies! This recipe uses applesauce to add moisture without any unwanted fat.

At only 81 calories per serving you can stick to your plan and indulge from time to time.

See the recipe from the Heart and Stroke Foundation!

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