5 Tips to Avoid Winter Weight Gain


Is winter the downfall of your weight management strategy? The cold, damp, short days topped with the pressures of high-calorie party foods is enough to throw even the most disciplined health guru off her game. But with the right plan, you can eliminate the anxiety of weight gain this winter. Here are 5 tips to get you started:

1.     Load-up on fiber. Fiber keeps you full, blood sugar steady and cravings curbed. Include beans, seeds, fruits, and vegetables in your meals and add PGX® to your favorite healthy snacks to boost their fiber content.*

2.     Get your vitamin D. During the winter it may help reduce occasional winter blues, making it easier to stick to your goals – whether they are healthy eating, exercise or just getting off the couch.

3.     Partner-up. Recruit an energetic friend, family member or colleague for working out. They will boost your motivation, accountability and enjoyment.

4.     Get your ZZZs. According to research, sleep deprivation causes people to eat more and to crave high calorie foods[1].

5.     Treat yourself! Feeling deprived can lead to binge eating[2]. Treat yourself to high quality whole foods, such as coconut water, raw nuts, kale chips, roasted seaweed, and organic teas.

Stay tuned for more great tips!

Patience Lister

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.


[1] Greer, Stephanie, Andrea Goldstein, and Matthew Walker. “The impact of sleep deprivation on food desire in the human brain.” Nature Communications 4 (2013): 2259.
[2] Michaels, Samantha. Overeating?: How to stop binge eating, overeating & get the natural slim body you deserve. Speedy Publishing LLC, 2013.

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