Motivation Monday – Be Happy

Don’t forget an important key to great health is simply being HAPPY!

Not only is exercising and eating healthy beneficial to your overall health but being happy everyday can make a big difference in how you feel. Do at least 3 things a day that bring a smile to your face. You will be amazed by how much lighter and happier you feel by the end of the week.

The best part is that smiles are contagious – spread the happiness around.


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Matching Music to Movement

PGX checks out the latest in exercise apps!

Match your music to your pace and never miss a beat while you exercise!

Looking for motivation and the right tunes to get you ready for your workout? There’s a new app available from iTunes that allows you to match the music to your heart beat.

Check out this video featuring how Cadence Run DJ matches the rhythms of your music to a corresponding beats per minute number (BPM).

Get your daily fiber and keep on moving everyone!

Cadence Run DJ is available on iTunes.

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