Workout Nutrition [Infographic]

We’ve got the ultimate guide to workout nutrition!

Don’t undermine your efforts to get in shap with poor eating habits!

We’ve found an excellent infographic to share. So often I hear people say, “I’m exercising regularly but I can’t see anything changing!” Well, I’m sure on the inside, plenty of good things are happening, but if you can’t seem to lose the weight, then it could be your nutrition. Check out this infographic and get the skinny on workout nutrition!

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Weight Wise Wednesday: Hidden Calories in Salads

This Weight Wise Wednesday, we’re sharing some salad know-how!

Are hidden calories in your salad sabotaging your healthy diet?

Here on Weight Wise Wednesday we have a look at where the hidden calories sneak their way in and what are some healthy alternatives to include in your salad.

Salad Ingredients to Try to Avoid:

  • Croutons, tortilla chips and large amounts of cheese (a touch of cheese is better)
  • Processed meats: deli meat, fried chicken, and beef.
  • Creamy or sugar filled salad dressings. The average Caesar salad dressing contains 150 calories in 2 tablespoons and 15 grams of fat*.

?Healthy Alternative Ingredients to Include in Your Salad:

  • Boiled eggs (contains protein and Omega 3’s)
  • Fresh vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, onions)
  • Black beans and garbanzo beans – chickpeas (high in fiber)
  • Lean protein (baked chicken, turkey and salmon)
  • Edamame beans (high in protein, iron and fiber)
  • Balsamic dressing – see our easy recipe below.

?Balsamic Olive Oil Dressing

  • 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • 4 tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar
  • Pinch of Sea Salt and Pepper
  • Pinch of Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Dijon mustard (or to personal taste)

Shake in bottle and store leftover dressing in the fridge.

Easy way to add a few more healthy benefits:

  • Chia Seeds (Omega 3’s)
  • PGX Singles (sprinkler over the salad – helps control hunger and control blood sugar levels)
  • Flax Seeds or Flax Oil (high in Omega 3’s and Fiber)

What are your favourite ingredients to include in your salad? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook Page. Join our healthy salad conversation.


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How to Avoid Summer Weekend Weight Gain

5 Tips and Links to Keep You From Gaining Weight Over the Summer Weekends

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and fun of the summer but with longer days and more socializing there’s usually more BBQ’s and dining with friends. Often these social events can lead to eating foods that you usually wouldn’t even think about indulging in. Being caught up in the moment and not planning ahead can leave you with a couple extra pounds by the end of the summer.

Here are 5 helpful tips to keep you on track with your diet and some healthy recipes to bring with you to BBQ’s and dinners. Not only will the host love you for bringing along a dish but it will also be your sneaky way of staying fit and healthy.

  1. Don’t Skip Meals: If you skip meals during the day it will only lead to you binge eating later. You will be grabbing anything and everything to gain some energy by the time you arrive at the event. Ensure that you have a protein packed breakfast to start your metabolism.
  2. Drink Lots of Water: Not only is it summer and your body requires more water but it can control cravings and leave you feeling full. Try to drink a glass of water when you first arrive at the event to keep you stomach full.
  3. PGX Travel Packs: Packing these small pill packs in your purse or bag and taking them before a meal can keep you feeling full and satisfied. This will help you avoid going back for seconds.
  4. Eat Before Leaving Home: It’s a good idea to have a small snack before you leave the house to control your cravings when you arrive at the event. Try having a small plate of veggies and hummus.
  5. Choose Wisely: Don’t rush when you are in line at the BBQ. Make smart choices about what you are eating. It may seem simple but choosing a green salad over mayo packed potato salad can make a huge difference by the end of the summer.

?How do you avoid the Summer Weekend Weight Gain? Share your tips here in the comments or join the chat on Facebook and Twitter.


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It?s a tough job managing food cravings while on a diet

It?s one of the dirty four-lettered words: diet! No secret here, they?re tough. What can make dieting especially difficult is dealing with the often overpowering surge of food cravings. The good news is that you don?t have to white knuckle it anymore.

Fact: Diets make it harder to resist temptation Diets fail because they result in an increased appetite drive. With powerful signals to eat, you as the dieter are virtually powerless to correct your bad habits and lose weight sensibly. If you want to get your weight under control, and curb your cravings, you must learn ways to turn off your hunger switch and restore your appetite control system to a healthy state.

There are new ways to help you manage your hunger. A natural viscous fiber called PGX, developed at the University of Toronto, slows digestion and makes you feel as full as if you?ve eaten a large meal, so your brain thinks you are full. It also stabilizes your insulin levels helping to break sugar?s control over you. It?s like having willpower in a pill.

Check back soon for more advice on getting control on your food cravings.

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