PGX’s Thursday Obsession: Biking

We’re getting inspired by Olympic cycling!

Read on to discover 7 reasons why you should start biking!

It’s Thursday and I have a Thursday obsession to share with you: biking. Now, I don’t actually bike myself (yet), so what could I possibly talk to you about biking you wonder?

With the Olympic competition heating up, I’m starting to feel more inspired to ‘up’ my sporting activities. The cycling events are popular with my family (we have cyclists among us) and that got the “time-to-get-inspired-to-exercise-and-maybe-try-biking” wheels in motion. I’ve gone biking before but never with physical fitness as the end goal. As a kid, it was a fun thing to do with my neighbourhood friends. Then biking became a once in a while trip to the dike by the Fraser River, or one of my out of shape attempts to keep up with my friend as we cycled up and down the hills of the city!

Yes, clearly biking has been low on my radar of fitness regimes for quite some time. But just as I started to watch the Olympics and contemplate the idea of biking for exercise, an article from Women’s Health appeared on my internet browser: 7 Reasons to Start Bike Riding.

If you’re like me and need extra motivation to start biking (or a sign from universe that you should give it a go), read these seven reasons and you’ll soon find yourself pumping air into the tires and peddling around in an eco-friendly, healthy way: on your bicycle!


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Friday Fitness Fun for Fall!

Discover the Top 10 Workouts for Fall!

Get out of the gym and into shape!

Autumn is here and with this season, comes colder weather; and with the colder weather often comes heartier appetites and occasions for comfort food. I know that I have to make even more of a conscious effort to eat well, exercise and not to become a winter couch critter! But does the chilly weather mean I have to go the gym?

Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean you have to workout indoors! It’s true that when the rain and cold weather comes, it’s not as appealing to go outside but I think these fun outdoor fitness activities might change your mind!

Fox News shares their Top 10 Fall Workouts that will help keep you in shape and having so much fun not matter how many layers you may need to put on!

My personal favourite on that list is Ultimate Frisbee. Although…I wouldn’t mind raking a huge pile of leaves and jumping in! Get outside and enjoy the fall colours and crisp air. Just remember to bundle up!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!


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