Riding the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster


Who among us hasn’t been tempted by the promise of easy weight loss? Claims of “fat that melts away” or “a magical change in metabolism” might sound like dreams come true, but that’s just what they are – dreams. If you’re struggling with weight loss and maintaining blood sugar balance, the allure of these empty promises is even stronger.

Reality – and weight loss – isn’t quite so simple.

Before you can shed those pounds, you have to get off the blood sugar roller coaster. Like the ride at your county fair, the blood sugar roller coaster is full of ups and downs – all day long. Racing from sugar high to major crash and back, this is one roller coaster you’re better off avoiding.

Even with the best intentions to eat well, how could you resist such cravings? Getting off the blood sugar roller coaster is key to curbing cravings that kill your weight loss goals.

These tips will help you stay on steady ground:

  • Reduce your portion sizes and calorie intake.
  • Think protein before carbs every time you eat.
  • Have a small snack – with protein – every 2-3 hours, all day long.
  • Eat three meals a day and include PGX with each of them.

PGX can help lower the glycemic index of foods and greatly assist you in managing hunger pangs*. Try it in a recipe or two and let us know if it crushes your cravings!

*Note: Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.