How to Control Food Cravings

No matter how good the intentions, it can be difficult to curb cravings for sweet or salty foods. The occasional indulgence is no cause for concern but frequent cravings could be a sign of unbalanced blood sugar. Instead of reaching for a high-calorie sugary treat try these alternatives:

? Are you hungry or thirsty? Drink a big glass of water. Your body loves it.

? Too hungry, too often? Fill up on fibre! Soluble fibre fills you up and makes you feel fuller, longer.

? Sugar craving? Grab a piece of fresh fruit or blend a frozen fruit smoothie; naturally sweet nutrition.

Salt and crunch craving? Skip the chips! Crunch some celery or an apple slice. Sprinkle with salt if you like, or better yet dip it in natural peanut butter! You?ll get some crunch, some salt and some fat and protein too!

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How to Avoid Summer Weekend Weight Gain

5 Tips and Links to Keep You From Gaining Weight Over the Summer Weekends

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and fun of the summer but with longer days and more socializing there’s usually more BBQ’s and dining with friends. Often these social events can lead to eating foods that you usually wouldn’t even think about indulging in. Being caught up in the moment and not planning ahead can leave you with a couple extra pounds by the end of the summer.

Here are 5 helpful tips to keep you on track with your diet and some healthy recipes to bring with you to BBQ’s and dinners. Not only will the host love you for bringing along a dish but it will also be your sneaky way of staying fit and healthy.

  1. Don’t Skip Meals: If you skip meals during the day it will only lead to you binge eating later. You will be grabbing anything and everything to gain some energy by the time you arrive at the event. Ensure that you have a protein packed breakfast to start your metabolism.
  2. Drink Lots of Water: Not only is it summer and your body requires more water but it can control cravings and leave you feeling full. Try to drink a glass of water when you first arrive at the event to keep you stomach full.
  3. PGX Travel Packs: Packing these small pill packs in your purse or bag and taking them before a meal can keep you feeling full and satisfied. This will help you avoid going back for seconds.
  4. Eat Before Leaving Home: It’s a good idea to have a small snack before you leave the house to control your cravings when you arrive at the event. Try having a small plate of veggies and hummus.
  5. Choose Wisely: Don’t rush when you are in line at the BBQ. Make smart choices about what you are eating. It may seem simple but choosing a green salad over mayo packed potato salad can make a huge difference by the end of the summer.

?How do you avoid the Summer Weekend Weight Gain? Share your tips here in the comments or join the chat on Facebook and Twitter.


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5 Ways to Spread Out Your Calories

Stay satisfied, eat healthy and lose weight by spreading your caloric intake throughout your day.

Although eating healthy, nutritious food is half the batltle with weight loss, sometimes one of the biggest challenges people face is figuring out portion and calorie control. With many of us, overeating may happen by accident: waiting too long before eating something and then ravenously consuming more than our body needs; or eating too fast in general.

So, we thought that we would put together a quick guide with 5 simple ways to help you spread your calories throughout your day, enabling you to intake less calories total and, ultimately, shed those pounds!

5 Ways to Spread Your Calories

  1. Have a good breakfast with adequate protein and fibre (if your breakfast is lacking fibre, sprinkle on some PGX!)
  2. Have a small healthy snack mid-morning
  3. Have a healthy lunch
  4. Have another healthy snack in the afternoon (a serving of plain yogurt with bran cereal, for example)
  5. Go head and “spoil your appetite”; eat a high volume, low calorie snack to reduce your appetite before your dinner

And don’t forget! When purchasing PGX Daily products, look for the ones with a BONUS pack of PGX Daily Singles!


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Tasty Tuesday : Overnight Oats for Breakfast

When it’s hot and humid outside, who really wants to cook?

Here’s a breakfast recipe that I rely on that is super easy and requires NO cooking. Summer is here and I’m melting during the nights and the last thing I really want to do is cook when I get up. Thinking about even pulling out a frying pan makes me want to run for the pool. You can whip these ingredients all together the night before and it sets overnight. The crisp and cold oats are ready and waiting for you to eat in morning.

What is also great about this recipe is you can customize it in so many ways. Add in different fresh fruit each morning and it’s a whole different breakfast meal! I like to make it into a breakfast parfait. I layer the overnight oats with fresh fruit and honey drizzled on top. My favourite tip I’ve learned is to add PGX singles. This helps me feel full long into the morning. Make sure to add the PGX into the oats right before you are going to eat them. I’ve heard others are using the PGX Satisfast (Protein Powder) in the oats just like the PGX singles I added. This gives them an extra dose of protein in their meal. Perfect for building those strong muscles and keeping you full longer! I think I’m going to try the Chocolate PGX Satisfast in my next batch.

Recipe Source: Oh She Glows

Classic Overnight Oats

Ingredients (1 serving)

?1/3 cup regular oats

?1 cup almond milk, and more if needed

?1-2 tablespoons chia seeds

?1 ripe banana, peeled and smashed

?1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


Mix together all ingredients in a bowl and place in fridge overnight. In the morning, add your desired toppings and serve without heating!

Let us know how you create your breakfast meal with overnight oats in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.


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Weight-Wise Wednesday: Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet uses Mediterranean-style cooking and is considered a heart-healthy eating plan.

The Mediterranean diet is based on a healthy eating plan using the traditional cooking style of countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

Key components of the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes:

  • Getting plenty of exercise
  • Eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts
  • Replacing butter with healthy fats such as olive oil and canola oil
  • Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods
  • Limiting red meat to no more than a few times a month
  • Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week
  • Drinking red wine in moderation (optional)
  • Enjoying meals with family and friends

As the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid shows the diet includes plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables! Many people who switch to this diet say they’d never eat another way! For more on the Mediterranean Diet check out the Mayo Clinic website.

Does this look like something you’d like to try out? Let us know in the comments below! 


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How to Feel Full On Fewer Calories

When it comes to weight loss, there is one point that everyone can agree on: if you want to lose weight, you need to eat less. On some diet plans, it?s just plain less food. On others, it?s less of certain kinds of foods. But inevitably, something about your dietary intake has to give.

But here lies a problem that almost everyone will run into: eating less can leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied. This is why most diets tend to work only in the short term. People are willing to ride the draft of a New Year?s resolution, or tough it out for a special event over the span of a few weeks. But few people are willing to go a lifetime in a constant state of hunger. There is an easy way to fix this problem– learn how to fill up on fewer calories. This allows for satisfaction with both portion size, and dress size. How successful you are at doing this comes down to one word: satiety.

Satiety refers to achieving and maintaining a feeling of fullness. Satiety is generally what makes us decide we?ve had enough to eat. Foods with high fiber content help us fill up on fewer calories. So do foods with a high water content, and volume. Foods with simple flavors, foods that avoid excess amounts of sugar or salt, and foods that avoid combinations of sweet, salty, and savory also promote satiety. Also try foods with a low glycemic load, and high quality protein.

Mother Nature has a long list of foods where you can find most or all of these attributes: vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, lean meats, eggs, and so on. Also try adding PGX to your meals and snacks to help you feel fuller faster. Filling up on fewer calories means portion control and satisfaction can coexist ? and that makes lasting weight control much more accessible. In fact, it?s pretty much having your cake, and eating it, too!

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