The PGX Program: Explore Diet

Get started on The PGX Program and discover if the Explore Diet is for you.

Explore Diet Plan

The Explore Diet is a flexible and customizable diet plan that lets you decide which foods and delicious dishes you want to prepare for your meals and snacks. When you sign up for this diet plan, you will be provided with healthy meal and snack checklists and guidelines to help you along the way.

The Explore Diet is similar to the Roadmap Diet in that both are portion controlled meal plans, however, the PGX Explore Diet has been designed for more culinary flexibility. Learn more about the program and discover if it’s right for you below.

The PGX Explore Diet Plan is Perfect For:

  • People who like to have more flexibility with their meal plans.
  • People who like to cook.
  • People who prefer more diverse and a wider variety of foods.
  • People who like ethnic foods.
  • People who have food restrictions, food allergies or food intolerances.
  • Anyone who would like to take PGX in addition to another meal plan, weight management program or other sensible diet.

If you feel like you may need more structure or guidance in your weight loss venture, check out the Roadmap Diet instead.

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The PGX Center’s DEXA Machine

Take advantage of our DEXA scanner and discover your body composition.

One of the cool things about our new PGX Program Center is the DEXA scanner. It looks a bit like a tanning bed but it is actually a unique kind of X-ray machine.

DEXA Scanner

DEXA is an abbreviation for “dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.” This piece of equipment provides one of the most accurate measurements of body composition available, registering the distribution of fat and lean muscle throughout the body. A DEXA scan sends low-energy X-rays from two different sources through the body, which is about as much energy as an airport body scanner. The person lies face-up on the machine and the scanning device makes several passes over the body. It takes about 6 minutes for the scan, with the whole process taking about 15 minutes. Information from the scan is sent to a computer where calculations are done to provide a detailed score and illustrated printout that helps the nutrition and fitness experts at the PGX Center advise that individual on an appropriate program for weight management, fitness, and lifestyle changes.


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The PGX Program: Roadmap Diet

Sign up for The PGX Program and discover if the Roadmap Diet is for you.

PGX Roadmap Diet

If you are someone who needs a roadmap to better health, the Roadmap Diet Plan is a safe, highly effective, and clinically proven way to lose weight. It’s easy to follow because it’s a structured meal plan. Discover how to get started below!

What is the PGX Roadmap Diet?

In its simplest form, the PGX Roadmap Diet consists of the following:

  1. Two PGX Meal Replacement Shakes per Day: Take a full serving of the PGX Meal Replacement Shake twice per day, in place of two meals such as breakfast and dinner, or breakfast and lunch. Alternatively, you can take PGX Granules, Capsules or SatisFast shakes with a meal in place of the PGX Meal Replacement Shakes, but be sure to slowly increase your PGX intake from 2.5 up to 5 grams per meal.
  2. Two or Three 100-150 Calorie Snacks: Have two small snacks with a source of protein and fibre between meals. To make it easier and to stave off hunger, mix up a PGX SatisFast shake as a snack. Only have an after dinner snack if absolutely necessary.
  3. A Healthy, Balanced Meal with 2.5 – 5 grams of PGX: A portion-controlled, healthy and balanced meal for lunch or dinner with 2.5 to 5 grams of PGX. The easiest way to get this additional PGX is with the PGX Granules or Capsules.

Try to include as many whole foods in their most natural state and really limit processed or manufactured industry foods. If you don’t know how to cook, your cooking skills are poor, or just don’t have time to cook, refer to The PGX Program Booklet 10 Lazy Person’s Guide to Food Planning and Preparation, which you can download when you sign up for The PGX Program!

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The New Home of PGX

Don’t miss the Grand Opening of the brand new PGX Center!

PGX’ers, we’re more than excited to tell you about the opening of our brand new PGX Center, a place that you can call home.

PGX Center - Grand Opening

Join us for the Grand Opening in Coquitlam, BC, happening this Friday and Saturday, and check out what the new Center has to offer. Plus, if you drop by this Friday, you just might run into Dawn Chubai from Breakfast Television! We’ll also be giving away a small gift pack of product to those who stop by. Learn more about what the PGX Center is all about below.

What is the PGX Center?

The PGX Center is a place where you can go for support with your weight loss journey. More than just a place to workout, although you’re welcome to utilize our exercise rooms whenever you visit, the PGX Center is a place where you can talk to our expert staff, learn how to use PGX and come together as a community of PGX’ers on the journey to lifelong health.

Every part of the PGX program at the PGX Center is free, with the exception of the DEXA scan, a scan which measures body composition, body fat percent and bone density, and PGX products, which will be available for purchase.

Services Available at the PGX Center

  • Diet plans and booklets
  • Resources on how to control appetite, reduce cravings and effectively use the PGX Program
  • Consultations with our expert staff

Amenities Available at the PGX Center

  • Exercise rooms
  • Showers
  • A kitchen for experimenting with PGX recipes
  • A commissary store where you can learn more about PGX and purchase PGX products

Location of the PGX Center

We look forward to seeing you!

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