The Importance of Exercise for a Healthy Heart


The Importance of Exercise for a Healthy Heart

September 29th is World Heart Day – a good reminder for all of us not to take the health of our heart for granted. Clear winning strategies for heart health include staying physically active and eating a heart-healthy diet.

Being physically active doesn’t always have to equate to running marathons or even vigorous workouts – exercise comes in all shapes, sizes and levels! The important thing is to get up and moving every day.

Work Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

It might not be top of our minds most days, but the places we live and work are often built for efficiency rather than health. One look at a typical rapid transit  system (Skytrain, El train, or subway) quickly reveals that not only do most people choose to use escalators and elevators, in some cases there aren’t even stairs available for the general public! These strategies certainly help get large numbers of people moving quickly, but they do nothing for building exercise into our daily routines.

Taking the stairs on your way to and from work offers a simple way to offset some of the risk of being sedentary for the bulk of the working day. Or, even better, skip the car or transit and cycle to work instead. Just 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week (which can be split into small chunks of just ten or so minutes) supports healthy heart function. Aim for 75 minutes of vigorous activity if you’re pushed for time!

I confess, I’ve never had a gym membership in my life, and the idea of running on a treadmill bores me to tears. Still, I rack up at least 15 hours of exercise a week simply by walking my dog, running almost all my errands by foot, hiking with friends and eschewing the use of elevators and escalators wherever possible. None of it feels like exercise, and yet it all helps keep my heart healthy, not to mention happy!

Find A Form of Exercise you Enjoy

If it’s been a while since you’ve been active, it’s understandable that you might feel anxious about starting to exercise more. Rest assured, exercise is great for helping you improve your energy levels, mood and overall health and well being. Some caution is certainly warranted, as is common sense, so if it’s been a few months or years avoid jumping straight into training for a marathon or lifting heavy weights.

Find forms of exercise that you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, playing soccer with the kids, skipping rope, swimming or even playing dodgeball – and go out and have fun! That way, it won’t feel like a chore and you’re more likely to stay motivated to achieve your health goals.

Exercise is a great way to:

  • Support your heart
  • Manage blood pressure already within the normal range
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Support mood and self-esteem
  • Keep everyday stress at bay
  • Promote great sleep!

Be sure to talk to your health care practitioner to work out the best way to build more exercise into your day.

Exercise with Friends

If you’re struggling to find fun ways to exercise, try asking friends how they stay active and ask if you can tag along on a hike, bike ride, freshwater swimming excursion, or if you can borrow their dog a couple of times a week to go for a long leisurely walk. Or, check out your local community center and sign up for salsa, Zumba, Pilates or other class where you can learn new skills, get fit and make new friends.

Let us know in the comments what creative ways you’ve found to meet your weekly exercise goals!

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4 Exercises You Should be Doing Right Now!


4 Exercises you Should be Doing Right Now!

You know that exercise helps you stay fit and maintain good health, but do you know which exercises are the best? If you’re looking to burn calories, get toned, or boost your overall health and fitness, these  4 exercises are top contenders:

1. Intervals

No matter how many calories your regular cardio session burns, you’ll burn more by incorporating intervals. This means working in periods of high intensity followed by periods of low intensity for recovery. Whether you’re running, swimming, rowing, or cycling, try a pattern of three minutes working at 90 %, followed by three minutes at a slow and easy pace. Repeat this pattern for approximately 20 minutes.

2. Yoga

Despite yoga’s gentle reputation, it provides serious toning benefits. When done regularly, following a series of yoga poses, such as Warrior, Plank, and Downward Facing Dog will help you strengthen multiple muscle groups while developing balance and flexibility.

3. Walking

Walking will improve your overall health by burning calories, toning muscles, boosting cardiovascular health, increasing bone density, improving mood, and more. In one hour, a 154 pound person can burn 460 calories walking at a pace of 7.2 km per hour [1].

4. Kegels

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles through regular sets of kegel exercises can make a big difference in avoiding incontinence as you age – for women and men. Although you won’t see benefits directly, maintaining a strong pelvic floor makes it easier to continue with your other exercises comfortably.
If you have trouble committing to an exercise regime, the best exercises for you are the ones you’ll stick with – that’s how you get results! And when you’re done, refuel with a French Vanilla PGX® Satisfast™ Whey Protein Drink.*

Which exercises give you the best results? Let us know in the comments section below.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®.


[1] National Institutes of Health (NIH). Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2006. Web. 24 June 2015.

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How to Conquer Your Cravings


How to Conquer Your Cravings

Eating a delicious treat every now and then isn’t going to have a huge impact on health, but when temptation leads to unhealthy foods becoming a regular part of your diet, it’s time to figure out how to conquer your cravings.

Many food cravings serve a psychological purpose, with specific foods attached to a strong emotional response. Others can indicate a lack of a specific nutrient, or are a result of plain old hunger or boredom. Craving (and consuming) non-food items, like soil, may be a sign of iron deficiency and should be assessed by physician. For most people though, cravings are more likely to take the shape of sweet or salty snacks that provide quick energy, but offer little in the way of healthy nutrients.

As such, managing blood sugar levels and insulin already within the normal range is one way to minimize cravings. By supporting the body in keeping blood sugar and energy levels stable, this helps stave off feelings of intense hunger that can cause us to make poor dietary choices. The best way to help keep blood sugar stable is to reduce intake of simple carbohydrates, and to ensure a good intake of fiber, protein and healthy fats. These help slow down the release of energy from food, preventing the rollercoaster of blood sugar and insulin peaks and troughs that can trigger food cravings.

Chromium and Blood Sugar Regulation

Chromium is a trace mineral that is vital for blood glucose regulation as it forms part of a molecule called glucose tolerance factor (GTF) that helps support healthy insulin levels already within the normal range so the body can use fuel more efficiently. Ensuring a good dietary intake of chromium may help regulate appetite, support healthy blood sugar regulation and insulin demand, and encourage lean body mass.

Dietary Fibre and Weight Management

Fibre helps slow down the release of energy from food, supporting stable blood sugar levels already within the normal range. The natural polysaccharide (fibre) complex PGX supports appetite management by promoting a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing cravings. PGX may even exert a ‘second-meal’ effect, meaning that consuming PGX at dinnertime can actually help lower the glycemic index of breakfast the next morning (Brand-Miller et al., 2010).

PGX Satisfast protein bars are ideal for people who find themselves succumbing to cravings as they offer a low-glycemic treat that can actually help curb between-meal snacking. These bars contain 15 grams of plant-based protein in each bar, alongside 1.5 grams of PGX, making them a great option for anyone looking to achieve or maintain a healthy body weight. They also contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, alongside calcium, iron, healthy fats and potassium, an essential mineral for water balance and proper signalling between cells.

Serotonin and Appetite Control

Another natural supplement, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), has also been seen to help with appetite regulation. 5-HTP is a natural precursor to the brain chemical serotonin, a neurotransmitter essential for mood balance, sleep, and appetite control. Derived from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia, 5-HTP provides a natural way to boost serotonin levels.

Low levels of serotonin have been implicated in poor appetite control, with insufficient serotonin thought to decrease the feeling of satiety or fullness after eating. In one study, people taking a 5-HTP supplement had improved appetite control. By restoring healthy levels of serotonin 5-HTP may help increase the feeling of fullness after eating and help you conquer your cravings!

Other top tips for keeping cravings in check include:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Meditating
  • Eating mindfully
  • Staying hydrated
  • Removing temptation
  • Preparing for tricky situations
  • Having healthy snacks on hand

One highly effective strategy for conquering cravings is to wait ten minutes after a craving strikes before giving in to temptation. In most cases the craving will pass, especially if you successfully distract yourself by going for a run, reading a book, chatting with friends and family, or playing with the dog.

If you have a sure-fire way to conquer cravings, let us know in the comments below!

Brand-Miller, J.C., et al. (2010). Effects of PGX®, a novel functional fibre, on acute and delayed postprandial glycaemia. Eur J Clin Nutr, 64:1488-1493.

* Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®

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The Pro’s of Fibre


The Pro’s of Fibre

Fibre doesn’t sound especially appetizing, but it sure is good for you – and your weight loss goals. Dietary fibre has many wonderful health benefits. Sugar, on the other hand, is as tasty as they come. And while you need carbohydrates (glucose is the main fuel for your cells, after all), your diet should definitely favour fibre over sugar. US FDA recommends 25 g of fibre for women and men based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet a day. Here’s why:

Healthy Plumbing

Fibre is best known for keeping you regular and making sure everything is moving smoothly! It does this by adding bulk to your stool and absorbing water (staying hydrated is also key to staying regular).

Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Fibre helps you maintain healthy glucose levels already within the normal range by slowing the absorption of sugars into your bloodstream. It’s also a clue that too much sugar, too quickly, isn’t good for you! Balanced blood sugar means a more balanced you, with steady energy levels.

Healthy Microbiome

One of the lesser-known things fibre does for you– especially the soluble kind – is feed the good bacteria in your gut. Even microbes need to eat, after all. While we don’t have the enzymes to digest fibre, our friendly gut bacteria do, and they make good use of it! As a very pleasant side effect of this process, bacteria make certain vital nutrients for us. The types of fibre that feed our good bacteria are known as prebiotics.

Healthy Weight Loss

A nice effect of consuming fibre – again, the soluble kind – is that it absorbs water and expands in the digestive tract. This helps you feel fuller longer, and can help reduce food cravings. Fibre supplements such as PGX are a great way to ensure you’re getting the fibre you need as part of a healthy weight loss program.

How to Increase Your Fibre Intake

Don’t worry – increasing your fibre intake doesn’t mean bran muffins, bran flakes, or even bran anything. Adding fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your plate will help you get the fibre you need.

Try these delicious ways to up your fibre intake:

Black Beans: Take taco night to the next level with the addition of these fibre and protein-packed legumes! Black beans offer 15 g of fibre per cup.

Avocado: The rich creaminess of an avocado belies the whopping 6.7 g of fibre that is found in just one half of this fruit. Plus, they’re packed with plenty of protein and healthy unsaturated fats.

Raspberries: 1 cup of nature’s candy offers up 8 g of fibre. Not a tough sell, right?

Almonds: Nuts might not seem like a natural source of fibre, but a quarter cup of almonds has 4 g of the good stuff.

Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, and – you guessed it – fibre! With 6 g in just 1 tbsp, chia seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soak them in your favorite nut milk for a delicious snack.

Apples: Each of these lunchbox classics has about 4 g of fibre. Add apples to smoothies, oatmeal, or eat them raw – just be sure to include the skin!

Oats: Speaking of oatmeal, a cup of the stuff offers about 4 g of fibre. Top with some of the other items on this list – raspberries and almonds come to mind – for a tasty breakfast.

Potatoes: We often think of potatoes as a refined carbohydrate with not a lot of nutritional value, but would you guess that a medium potato has just about 4.5 g of fibre?

Onions: Surprised? A medium sized onion offers about 2 g of fibre. The soluble fibre in onions is called inulin, and its an especially beneficial prebiotic that will have your microbiome singing a happy tune.

PGX: PGX is a unique blend of super fibre complex made up of highly viscous polysaccharides. When taken with meals, PGX expands in the stomach to create a feeling of fullness by absorbing water and filling the stomach while slowing digestion. This keeps blood sugar from rising too high after meals, thereby curbing the body’s hunger cravings throughout the day.

Enjoy your new high fibre diet – and the health benefits that come with it! Check out our recipe page for yummy ways to add PGX and other fibre to your meals!

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Tips for Beginning Runners


Tips for Beginning Runners

You’re a runner – you just don’t know it yet!

Soon you’ll be enjoying the endorphins, leaner muscles mass, stronger lungs, and the physical power that result from regular runs. Follow these tips to get started:

Start Small

Building endurance takes time. No matter what your ultimate goal is, begin by running a few kilometers per session and gradually increase your distance every second week.

Run / Walk

Add walk breaks into your run to help save energy and minimize muscle fatigue. As your fitness improves, schedule your walk breaks less frequently. For example:

Week 1: run 1 minute / walk 1 minute (repeat 15X)
Week 5: run 5 minutes / walk 1 minute (repeat 5X)
Week 10: run 10 minutes / walk 1 minute (repeat 3X)


An excellent pair of shoes can make all the difference in how you enjoy your run and avoid injury. Staff at your local running store can help you find the right fit and support for your feet.

Prioritize Nutrition

Running burns a lot of calories, but that’s no excuse for overindulging or loading up on refined carbs. Your diet fuels your run and recovery, so eat wholesome, nutrient dense foods to stay strong and energized.

Set Goals

Goals provide focus and a way to measure your progress. Set long and short term goals that are realistic. If your long-term end goal is to run this year’s 5 Km Terry Fox Run, make it your short term goal to complete three to four 30 minute runs per week.

Run With a Group

When your motivation dips, a running group can help keep you going.  Not only will you be accountable for showing up, but you’ll have other runners to chat with to help distract you from your efforts and offer encouragement and support.

Believe in Yourself

Running takes physical and mental strength. Believe that you will reach your goals and you will.

Are you running the Terry Fox Run this September 20th? If so, let us know how you do.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®.

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7 Summer Outdoor Activities


7 Summer Outdoor Activities

As we careen towards fall, we really make an effort to savour every precious moment of the summer sun. And that’s pretty hard to do from inside a gym!

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to meet your fitness goals that don’t involve a Stairmaster – and plenty of warm afternoons left in the season. Here are our top 7 summer activities that beat the gym:

1. Swimming

Be it a lake, a river, outdoor pool, or the ocean, taking a dip is one of the best options for summer exercise. Not only is this full body workout great cardio, it can be very therapeutic, especially compared to high impact activities such as running. It’s also a great way to cool off – just remember to reapply sunscreen after toweling off! As a bonus, you can take this activity inside once the weather gets chilly.

2. Beach Volleyball

This activity is so much fun, you won’t even notice you’re exercising. Plus, once you’re done serving and spiking, you can jump in whichever body of water is nearest to cool off.

3. Hiking

Hit the trails while enjoying a little fresh air. Walking is fantastic exercise, and you can opt for short, simple walks around a local park or lake, or more challenging peaks with the corresponding rewards: stunning views. With plenty of water and a few healthy snacks, you’ll have toned legs and a clear head in no time.

4. Canoeing or Kayaking

Hiking has your lower body covered, but if your arms and back are feeling left out, a boat is your new best friend. Rent a canoe or kayak and get out on the open water with a friend and go exploring! This activity can be peaceful or powerful, depending on your approach.

5. Cycling

Whether you hit the trails or the city bike paths, cycling will help you pedal off the pounds while toning your legs. There’s nothing quite like feeling the wind in your face on a hot day. Cycling can be practical too – it’s a great way to get to the lake!

6. Gardening

It’s still not too late to plant your fall greens! Planting, weeding, and harvesting alike are all great ways to stay active and keep your core strong. Plus, you get the reward of freshly harvested veggies come fall!

7. Frisbee

We don’t all live near a lake, but your neighbourhood park can offer unlimited enjoyment – and fitness – with a Frisbee and a group of friends.
How do you keep fit in the summer months? We’d love to hear your favourite outdoor activities!

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