How to Make a Smoothie with PGX!

Build the Perfect Smoothie with PGX!

Read on and discover what goes into the blender!

This image says it all! When I make  smoothie, I always put in frozen berries, plain Greek yogurt, orange juice and PGX Daily Singles for fibre. But sometimes, I just want a different flavour! This infographic is full of options to pick from and will inspire a whole new smoothie, tailor made just for you!

Don’t forget to add PGX to that list of smoothie power boosts! Give your smoothie a fibre boost! Don’t know how much to add? Check out our post from the past, How Much PGX Should You Be Adding to Your Food, for more info!

Oh and one more thing! Right now you you can get a free BONUS pack of PGX Singles with purchase of PGX Daily in Canadian stores! Have a great Tuesday! Blend on, my friends.


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