Tips to Get More Zzz’s!

Sound sleep and sweet dreams!

Here are some useful tips to help you get better sleep every night…

Okay, we all know how important sleep is for rest, rejuvination, balancing appetite regulating hormones, avoiding irritating eye twitches that may frighten others around you, avoiding that unattractive selfish streak (studies show that when people don’t sleep well, selfishness can kick in more than usual and can affect their relationships), keeping the cranks away and the happy bubble unpopped… You see what I mean. But what if, try as you might to get the recommended six to eight hours of sleep everyday, you just can’t seem to get some shut eye?

Well before you go speak to a specialist about insomnia, we’ve got a couple of tips and ideas for you to try…

Turn off the gadgets. Give yourself at least one hour before bedtime of iPad, computer, cell phone and television-free time to unwind after a busy day. Why is this important? All of these electronics emit a blue light that mimics daylight, which then leads your body to produce less of sleep hormone, melatonin. Try grabbing a book or a magazine instead!

Avoid caffeine. Did you know that caffeine can linger in your system for up to 12 hours? It’s true. If you find that caffeine has a strong effect on your, make sure that you don’t have any after lunch!

Exercise regularly. Getting your daily exercise is one the best ways to destress, which is often the culprit of sleep troubles. Exercising in the morning is especially good because it gives your time to cool down and keeps you energized throughout the day (needing less caffeine to function). When you exercise, your core heats up and isn’t normally a cue to your body to drift off to dreamland. If you must exercise in he evening, the experts at Shape Magazine recommend a nice steamy shower that will heat your skin. This will help kick your body into cool down mode and help it wind down towards sleep.

Invest in your bed. We spend half of our lives sleeping, so why not spend a little money on your mattress and sheets? Mattresses usually have a lifespan of five to ten years. If your mattress is sagging in the middle, no amount of flipping it over will change the fact that it’s saying goodbye to you. Also, look for quality bed sheets made from natural materials (like cotton or silk) that will breathe. And don’t forget to make your bed in the morning! Coming home to a messy room can actually bequite stressful and affect how well you sleep.

Have a routine and bedtime. Try to follow a more regular schedule of winding down and falling asleep and waking up in the morning. Also, create a normal bedtime ritual that will help you to relax and put away the stress of the day.

If you can’t fall asleep, get out of bed. It seems rather counterintuitive but don’t stay and in bed trying to sleep. This hardly ever helps. In fact, it could create even more anxiety for you if you are constantly checking the clock and counting the minutes, wondering why you can’t sleep and how this will affect your day tomorrow. Get up and change your environment, but keep it low light.

Eat the right foods. There are certain foods that you can eat that contain more tryptophan or melatonin such as tart cherry juice, nonfat popcorn, turkey, garbanzo beans, and chamomile tea.

Lavender. The scent of lavender is really quite relaxing and studies have shown that people who smelt these purple blossoms (or an aromatic oil) slept deeper and woke up with more energy. In any case, it just smells lovely!

And there you have it! Get more great sleep tips from Shape Magazine and happy snoozing to you!


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Weight Wise Wednesday: Hidden Calories in Salads

This Weight Wise Wednesday, we’re sharing some salad know-how!

Are hidden calories in your salad sabotaging your healthy diet?

Here on Weight Wise Wednesday we have a look at where the hidden calories sneak their way in and what are some healthy alternatives to include in your salad.

Salad Ingredients to Try to Avoid:

  • Croutons, tortilla chips and large amounts of cheese (a touch of cheese is better)
  • Processed meats: deli meat, fried chicken, and beef.
  • Creamy or sugar filled salad dressings. The average Caesar salad dressing contains 150 calories in 2 tablespoons and 15 grams of fat*.

?Healthy Alternative Ingredients to Include in Your Salad:

  • Boiled eggs (contains protein and Omega 3’s)
  • Fresh vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, onions)
  • Black beans and garbanzo beans – chickpeas (high in fiber)
  • Lean protein (baked chicken, turkey and salmon)
  • Edamame beans (high in protein, iron and fiber)
  • Balsamic dressing – see our easy recipe below.

?Balsamic Olive Oil Dressing

  • 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • 4 tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar
  • Pinch of Sea Salt and Pepper
  • Pinch of Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Dijon mustard (or to personal taste)

Shake in bottle and store leftover dressing in the fridge.

Easy way to add a few more healthy benefits:

  • Chia Seeds (Omega 3’s)
  • PGX Singles (sprinkler over the salad – helps control hunger and control blood sugar levels)
  • Flax Seeds or Flax Oil (high in Omega 3’s and Fiber)

What are your favourite ingredients to include in your salad? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook Page. Join our healthy salad conversation.


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PGX’s Thursday Obsession: Biking

We’re getting inspired by Olympic cycling!

Read on to discover 7 reasons why you should start biking!

It’s Thursday and I have a Thursday obsession to share with you: biking. Now, I don’t actually bike myself (yet), so what could I possibly talk to you about biking you wonder?

With the Olympic competition heating up, I’m starting to feel more inspired to ‘up’ my sporting activities. The cycling events are popular with my family (we have cyclists among us) and that got the “time-to-get-inspired-to-exercise-and-maybe-try-biking” wheels in motion. I’ve gone biking before but never with physical fitness as the end goal. As a kid, it was a fun thing to do with my neighbourhood friends. Then biking became a once in a while trip to the dike by the Fraser River, or one of my out of shape attempts to keep up with my friend as we cycled up and down the hills of the city!

Yes, clearly biking has been low on my radar of fitness regimes for quite some time. But just as I started to watch the Olympics and contemplate the idea of biking for exercise, an article from Women’s Health appeared on my internet browser: 7 Reasons to Start Bike Riding.

If you’re like me and need extra motivation to start biking (or a sign from universe that you should give it a go), read these seven reasons and you’ll soon find yourself pumping air into the tires and peddling around in an eco-friendly, healthy way: on your bicycle!


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PGX and Spaghetti Squash!

Try something new! How about spaghetti squash?

Ditch the simple carbs of pasta and get your veggies and fiber!

I love spaghetti. I love pasta. In fact I am a very happy camper when I have all sorts of simple carbs! Bread, cereal, toast, pasta, sweets…you name it! Unfortunately, having a smorgasbord of breads and pasta is really not the best idea for your health or waistline. Luckily I’ve got at least one very awesome alternative to pasta: Spaghetti Squash!

Putting on my infomercial voice: not only is it delicious and nutritious (details at Nutrition Data), it’s super easy to prepare! Here’s my method:

Cut the squash in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.

Place the halves, cut side up, in a large microwavable/oven safe container that has water in it.

Cover it with saran wrap and microwave until the squash is tender. This all depends on the strength of your microwave. It can take anywhere from sx to ten minutes.

When it’s finished cooking, scrape the squash with a fork and it will come apart in spaghetti-like strings.

There are an infinite number of ways to enjoy this squash. Prepare your favourite spaghetti sauce or try something new and mix.

Voila, it’s ready to eat!


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Have a Healthy Weekend PGX’ers!

Hey PGX’ers! It’s the weekend and we’re winding up with delicious links!

Check out these yummy ideas!

If you consider yourself a foodie and think you need to put that hobby to rest while you work towards your health goals, think again. Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to live on tasteless meals and water alone! Let me tell you a secret: healthy dishes can be mouthwateringly, drool-worthy, delicious treats! Don’t be afraid to indulge your taste buds every once in a while!

So to our foodie fans, this week’s wind up is for you! Check out these tasty links from around the web! Got a healthy recipe or food tip to share? Sound off in the comments or share with us on our Facebook page!

Enjoy and eat well beautiful people!

Do you cook with garlic? Guess what! There’s more to the garlic plant than the bulb. Why not Use Garlic Scapes in Your Cooking?

If you’re in the mood for a homemade iced latte but don’t want to water it down, here’s a great Iced Coffee Trick!

Sometimes you just need a Starbucks. Here’s a useful link for calorie-counting foodies: Starbucks Drinks Under 200 Calories.

I really want a Green Goddess Grilled Cheese Sandwich (pictured right). Don’t you?

Need a new idea for finger food? Try these Caprese Pops!

Click on this link because this sandwich looks like a really delicious and healthy way to start the day.

Saving the best for last: two Guilt-free Desserts from Steven and Chris!


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How to Make a Smoothie with PGX!

Build the Perfect Smoothie with PGX!

Read on and discover what goes into the blender!

This image says it all! When I make  smoothie, I always put in frozen berries, plain Greek yogurt, orange juice and PGX Daily Singles for fibre. But sometimes, I just want a different flavour! This infographic is full of options to pick from and will inspire a whole new smoothie, tailor made just for you!

Don’t forget to add PGX to that list of smoothie power boosts! Give your smoothie a fibre boost! Don’t know how much to add? Check out our post from the past, How Much PGX Should You Be Adding to Your Food, for more info!

Oh and one more thing! Right now you you can get a free BONUS pack of PGX Singles with purchase of PGX Daily in Canadian stores! Have a great Tuesday! Blend on, my friends.


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