How to Establish Healthy Habits for Back to School

image-blog-PGX-nHow to Establish Healthy Habits for Back to School-20160901

For many of us, heading back to school means we’re establishing a new routine to carry us through the next ten months! While this might sound daunting, it’s actually a great opportunity to throw out old unhealthy habits and start anew.

If it’s on your to-do list to get fit, lose a little weight, learn a new skill or make other changes in your life, this is the time! The beauty of September is that everything is in flux, so it’s easier than usual to break free of a vicious cycle. Here are a few ideas to help you build healthy habits to carry you through the school year:

Re-think Packed Lunches


If you have kids, the way you shop for groceries will most likely change once they go back to school. Take a few minutes to really think about the food choices you’re making as these will carry you through until next summer.

Instead of combing the aisle for perceived healthy, pre-packaged snacks for lunchboxes, can you build in time to your weekly schedule to make healthy, home made snacks with the kids instead? Some great, easy options for healthy home made snacks are:

  • Granola bars
  • Granola
  • Energy balls
  • Muffins
  • Fruit leather

Embrace Modern Conveniences

Consider signing up for a weekly home delivery grocery service. Not only is it super convenient, but it will force you to set aside time each week to plan your meals and be thoughtful about what you really need, better enabling you to plan for the week ahead and buy healthy foods.

Make the Best of a Busy Schedule


While you’re signing the kids up for their extracurricular activities, see if there’s anything close by that you can also engage in. If your kids are playing soccer, is there a track at the same field you can jog around? If your kids are at swimming lessons, is there a gym in the same building where you can work out?

Make Healthy Habits a Goal


Stop focusing on things like a target weight or running 5k in under 30 minutes and start concentrating instead on simply sticking to healthy habits. Going for a jog twice a week and cycling to work every other day is much more manageable than trying to stick to an intensive training program that requires you to find ten extra hours a week to run in pursuit of a half marathon.

Likewise, focusing on a singular goal, like losing 10 lbs, can easily lead to unhealthy yo-yo dieting. You’re more likely to eat poorly and starve yourself to achieve your goal, then simply regain all that weight (and more!) once you go back to a standard unhealthy diet.

Instead of putting all this stress on mind and body, change your mindset to one where eating your 8 fruits and vegetables a day is the equivalent of brushing your teeth. We barely have to muster any effort to brush our teeth because it is such an ingrained habit. Establish the attitude where healthy eating and exercise are just a routine part of your day and you’ll conserve the mental energy you usually use up trying to motivate yourself to go to the gym.


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How to Exercise Safely in the Heat


image-blog-PGX-How to Exercise Safely in the Heat-20160719During the sunny days of summer, a lot of people like to take their workouts outside. But with all that glorious sunshine also comes the heat, and the need to be extra cautious and smart about the way you exercise out of doors.

Follow these five tips on how to exercise smartly and safely outside during the summer:

1. Avoid the Hottest image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-sun-20160720Times of the Day

One of the simplest things you can do to exercise smartly in the summer is to avoid the hottest parts of the day.

Usually, the hottest point of the day is the early to late afternoon – when the sun is blazing above – but a quick glance at your local weather forecast should help pinpoint more exact times.

Ideally, you’re able to schedule your workout in the morning, before it gets too hot, or in the evening once it’s started to cool off a little.

image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-caprun-201607202. Pick the Right Clothing and Accessories

Opt for lightweight, light coloured, breathable clothing. If you’re going to be working up a sweat, look for tops and bottoms that are designed to wick away sweat and moisture, and have vents or mesh built in. And don’t forget about your feet! Make sure your socks are also moisture wicking, light, and comfortable.

You’ll also want to invest in a good hat. Look for something made from light materials, with a decent brim, and vented panels that will allow for air flow and help to keep you cool. And don’t forget to protect your face and other bare limbs with sunscreen!

image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-h20bottle-201607203. Have Water On-Hand

This should really go without saying, but water is a must-have when exercising in the heat. If you’re worried about a water bottle being cumbersome, you can buy belts that hold little water bottles in them while you workout. You can also buy slim, lightweight water bottles that are easy to hold if you’re doing an exercise like running, where your hands aren’t required.

If you’re worried about a water bottle being cumbersome, you can buy belts that hold little water bottles in them while you workout. You can also buy slim, lightweight water bottles that are easy to hold if you’re doing an exercise like running, where your hands aren’t required.

You can also pour a little water over your head, neck our shoulders to help you cool down.

image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-shaderun-201607204. Pick a Shaded Route/Spot

Finding a workout spot or route  that is partially or fully shaded is a great option to keep cool. Parks, rural areas, and local athletic fields are a great choice, as they often provide wide open areas and trails that offer shade.


image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-stretch-201607205. Cool Down

A 10–15 minute cool down will help naturally bring your temperature back down after exercising in the heat. To cool down, take a slow walk for 10–15 minutes while sipping on some water.

To cool down, take a slow walk for 10–15 minutes while sipping on some water. Add in a few upper and lower body stretches afterward, and you’re good to go!

Working out in the heat of summer can be a fun and rewarding way of keeping in shape. Just remember to be thoughtful of your body and how you’re feeling during the exercise.


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7 Tips to Pump You up When You Lack Motivation

7 Tips to Pump You Up When You Lack Motivation

Feeling unmotivated? That’s okay! But it doesn’t mean you should pass up your workout. After all, exercise is one of the best motivators – you just need to get started.

Keep your fitness in check with these seven tips for working out when you lack motivation:

1. Crank Up the Tunes

It’s hard to resist moving to the beat of a great song. Keep a playlist of your favourite energizing tunes on hand to help get you pumped up to workout.

image-pgx-blog-point-201605022. Try a New Workout

When your regular workout just isn’t cutting it, opt for something new like a Zumba class, power walking, or challenging yourself to a 20-minute Tabata workout!

3. Watch a Sports Clip

There’s something inspiring about watching other athletes in action, so queue up a short clip of extreme surfers, sprinters, or ultra-endurance athletes and soon you’ll be out the door.

4. Schedule a Friendly Game

An hour playing beach volleyball, tennis, or soccer with friends sounds a lot more fun than working out – yet that’s exactly what you’re doing. The key is committing to the game ahead of time so that you’re accountable for showing up — even when you feel unmotivated.

image-pgx-blog-point-201605025. Envision Your Goal

Research shows that visualizing your goal increases your motivation to reach it. Take a few minutes to envision how wonderful you’ll feel after your workout and how much fitter and stronger you’ll look after one month of regular exercise sessions.


6. Commit to Ten Minutes

Ten minutes of exercise sounds more appealing than 45. To get myself out of bed for early morning runs, my mantra is that I only need to put on my running clothes and run for ten minutes. If I don’t enjoy myself, I can go back to bed. But 99% of the time I keep going.

7. Reward Yourself

No matter your age, rewards are great motivators. The trick is to keep them healthy! Some possible rewards include a new book, a massage, or a Dark Chocolate *PGX® Satisfast™ Vegan Protein smoothie.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.


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3 Exercises for Toned Arms


Arm day – one of my favourite days of the week! Think about it, our arms do a lot for us. They lift up heavy things (including carrying your kids), they push the grocery cart, and they pull that rope in an epic tug-of-war battle! As we age, we begin to lose muscle mass – in fact, by the time we turn 80, we have lost about 40% [1]! Strengthening your arm muscles is vital, not only to maintain tone but to assist in the activities of day to day life.

Here are three great exercises for toned arms:

1. The Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press

The biceps are muscles found on the front part of your upper arm. When your bicep contracts, it bends the arm at the elbow. The bicep muscle attaches to the shoulder joint, which is one reason why conjoining a bicep curl with a shoulder press is a fluid exercise and wonderful arm toning exercise. Strengthening your biceps and shoulders help with any pulling and overhead movement.

The Execution

Start with a dumbbell weight you can comfortably lift 15 times. As you progress, you will be able to add more weight and do fewer reps. We are going to start off with 15 reps at a moderate weight.

Start with both arms at your side. Keep your elbows by your sides (don’t let them come forward). The bottoms of your hands (when gripping the weights) will point toward the ceiling as you curl/bend your arm to about 30 degrees. At this time, you can bring your arms into a shoulder press position and press the weights straight up. Once you are done with your shoulder press, bring the weight back towards your starting point to begin the bicep curl again. It should be one fluid motion.

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2. The Push-Up

Push-ups are a great arm toner that also uses other muscle groups, like your core. Being able to perform this exercise in a hotel room, on the top of a mountain, or just hanging out at home, make push-ups a convenient, effective arm exercise you can do anywhere!

When you start to master push-ups you can execute multiple variations, such triceps push-ups and push-ups with a back row. But for now, we’re going to focus on how to do a simple push-up.

The Execution

Start on your hands and knees with your fingers spread. Make sure your wrists are placed straight under your shoulders, with your knees under your hips. Extend one of your legs straight back and rest your weight on your toes, then do the other. Your body should be in a straight line. Keep the muscles in your core and your glutes tight – don’t let your back sag! Keep your neck in line with your spine. Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the ground, then push yourself back up without locking your arms. Once you get back to your starting point, begin the exercise again until exertion.

You can always find a way to modify push-ups if you need to. For example, you can execute this exercise while on your knees instead of your toes.

second first

3. The Triceps Pushdown

One of my favorite muscles to workout is the triceps! This muscle can be found behind your arm closest to your shoulder, with their main mission being to extend the elbow [2]. Daily movements that use your triceps are shooting a basketball, throwing a ball and lifting bags of groceries out of the cart.

Exercising your triceps can get pretty specific as they aren’t the biggest muscle in your body. Triceps pushdowns are a winner in my book!

The Execution

In a gym setting, find the high pulley cable machine and attach a straight bar or the rope attachment. Adjust the cable to the setting closest to the top of the machine. The weight you set should allow you to do 12-15 triceps pull-downs with proper form. Keeping your elbows right at your sides, hold onto the straight bar or the rope and without moving your elbows, slowly pull it down towards your thighs. Once you’re at extension, slowly go back to your starting position.

Take a look at this demonstration of a triceps pushdown.

These three arm-strengthening exercises are sure to help you tone and strengthen those arm muscles!


[1] Feature, Tom Valeo, WebMD. “Exercises for Biceps and Triceps.” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.

[2] Cespedes, Andrea. “What Do Strong Triceps Help With?” Healthy Living. Azcentral, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.

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3 Great Low-Impact Exercises


Your body is a total machine. Think about it; every day it moves in many different ways. It can run, sprint, jump, bend and more. And just like a machine, your body can break down with overuse. Low-impact exercises are a great way of fitting exercise into your daily routine without putting too much strain on your body.  And don’t let the word “low” mislead you – while low-impact exercises tend to be easier on your joints, they’re not easier on the amount of energy they require!

Here are my top three low-impact exercises:

1. Swimming

Just wait until you get into a pool and freestyle a few laps! Your heart will be pounding, yet your body will glide through the water with seemingly little effort. To seasoned swimmers, this exercise a no-brainer, but to the rest of the world, swimming isn’t given enough praise.

Not only can it help with cardio endurance, but swimming also strengthens your core and helps your heart. I love swimming because it’s not a stagnant movement (like running on a treadmill), and I can go as fast or as slow as I want. After 45 minutes of swimming, you’ll be tired and will feel like you’ve put in a great workout – without having jarred your body in any way!

For those in tropical or warmer climates, open water swimming is even harder due to the current and being out in the elements. Open water swimming can be a fun, adventurous workout!

Swimming in the pool

2. Walking

If you’re just getting into working out, or you feel like your body just needs a rest from that crazy hardcore crossfit you’ve been trying (whose doesn’t?), walking could be your answer.

There are many ways of making walking more challenging – trekking uphill, adding some weight, going for a day hike, adding on distance, or even just gradually increasing your pace. Every healthy human being with two working legs approved by their doctor to exercise can walk, which is why it’s one of the most widely used methods of exercise.


Beyond the obvious benefit of burning calories and keeping your body moving, I’ll put it out there that walking can help support your memory. In a 2011 study, elderly subjects who walked 40 min, 3 times a week for a year, experienced a 2% growth in their hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that controls memory [1].

Walking outside and getting some fresh air and sun in your face (or rain/snow), can lift your spirits and bring you joy.

3. Pilates

Ready to get a fabulous workout while creating long, lean and strong muscles? Pilates is a terrific low-impact exercise that focuses on total body strength. Pilates can be offered in group classes, semi-private group classes and private training sessions. There’s also tons of Pilates DVDs you can purchase and some awesome workouts on YouTube.


With pilates, the focus is on being able to control your movement through correct breathing and body alignment. You become closer to your body and mind at the same time. Pilates also focuses on a lot of different muscle groups, meaning you won’t over train a particular one, lessening the chance of muscle imbalances and injury. Pilates is a gentle exercise but it’s also incredibly challenging on your body.


[1] “The Benefits of Walking.” The Benefits of Walking. Real Simple, n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2016.

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Outdoor Exercise: Winter Tips


During the Winter, it can get pretty cold in many parts of the country. And the days are short too. Outdoor exercise can be a tough proposition when you’re up against these conditions, but Winter offers so many heart-pumping activities that double as a great workout, you don’t want to stay locked up inside!

Here are my tips for enjoying outdoor exercise during winter:

Plan for the Dark

Most of us get up in the dark and come home in the dark, so when possible, outdoor exercises either should be done earlier in the evening or late morning for safety reasons. If you are planning on exercising outside either before the sun rises or after it sets, make sure to wear reflective clothing and bring a small flashlight with you.

Take advantage of the weekends and use the glorious hours of daylight sunshine as a motivator! Did you know that you’re likely to burn more calories exercising outdoors during the winter [1]? This is because your body needs to work harder regulating your temperature. So brave the cold, and get your heart pumping outside!

Layers are Good

The great thing about dressing in layers is that you can take them off as you warm up. It’s easy to wrap a long sleeve jacket around your waist or put your ear warmers and gloves into your pocket.

Dressing in layers is the perfect way to ensure your body doesn’t chill or overheat during your workout. Start your warm up fully layered, and as you progress, your body will tell you when it’s time to start removing layers. Once you cool down, you should get those layers back on.

It’s a good idea to use layers made from moisture wicking fabrics, to keep your body from feeling damp with sweat.

Outdoor Exercise: Winter Tips

Drink a lot of Water

Your body may not feel thirsty during winter because your body’s thirst response acts differently when you’re cold, versus when you’re feeling overheated and hot [2]. It’s easy to become dehydrated during winter, so remind yourself to hydrate before, during, and after an outdoor winter workout.

Take Advantage of the Small Crowds

During winter a lot of people hermit and stay indoors. But I can personally say that hiking during winter is not only a great workout, but it also offers a reprieve from the busy summer trails. Enjoying the beauty of nature while moving your body is one of the easiest, most enjoyable ways to exercise during winter.

Whether it’s urban hiking through your favourite city or driving to a state park or hiking area, just keep that body moving and you’ll be good to go!


[1] Hall, Alena. “7 Big Benefits Of Exercising Outside This Winter.” The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2016.

[2] Walters, Jennipher. “Don’t Let Winter Dehydration Slow Down Your Workouts With These Tips.” Don’t Let Winter Dehydration Slow Down Your Workouts With These Tips. Shape Magazine, n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2016.

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Fall Health and Fitness: Goal Setting


Fall Health and Fitness: Goal Setting

Short days, crisp air, and busy school yards – it’s hard to believe, but we’re firmly entrenched in Autumn. With the long days of summer behind us, and the short, cold days of winter ahead, it can be easy to let some of our health and fitness goals slip as we gravitate towards feeling warm and cozy.

Here are some ways you can set goals to help keep the lazy feelings of fall at bay:


To overcome the fall weather and limited daylight, you need a concrete strategy for meeting your fitness goals.

  • Schedule your workouts in advance – and stick to it
  • Have a back-up plan (or two) so when the rain is too heavy to run in, just grab your indoor jump rope or turn on a cardio workout video
  • Plan one or more of your workouts with a partner to hold yourself accountable

Healthy Eating

The summer produce may be gone, but you can still meet (and exceed) your nutritional goals. Embrace the flavors of fall with fresh apples, squash, pumpkins, and brussels sprouts. Keep your pantry stocked with healthy, protein-source staples, such as lentils, quinoa, nuts, and canned salmon, and keep your cravings under control by starting each day with a *PGX® Satisfast™ Vegan Protein Drink.

Expand Your Horizons

Does fall still give you that back-to-school itch? It’s a great time of year to expand your horizons and upgrade your skills. Whether you want to take a course, read a set of books, or volunteer, define how you’re going to accomplish your goal – and be realistic with how much time you can commit to it.

What goals have you set for this fall? Let us know in the comments section below.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®.

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The Importance of Exercise for a Healthy Heart


The Importance of Exercise for a Healthy Heart

September 29th is World Heart Day – a good reminder for all of us not to take the health of our heart for granted. Clear winning strategies for heart health include staying physically active and eating a heart-healthy diet.

Being physically active doesn’t always have to equate to running marathons or even vigorous workouts – exercise comes in all shapes, sizes and levels! The important thing is to get up and moving every day.

Work Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

It might not be top of our minds most days, but the places we live and work are often built for efficiency rather than health. One look at a typical rapid transit  system (Skytrain, El train, or subway) quickly reveals that not only do most people choose to use escalators and elevators, in some cases there aren’t even stairs available for the general public! These strategies certainly help get large numbers of people moving quickly, but they do nothing for building exercise into our daily routines.

Taking the stairs on your way to and from work offers a simple way to offset some of the risk of being sedentary for the bulk of the working day. Or, even better, skip the car or transit and cycle to work instead. Just 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week (which can be split into small chunks of just ten or so minutes) supports healthy heart function. Aim for 75 minutes of vigorous activity if you’re pushed for time!

I confess, I’ve never had a gym membership in my life, and the idea of running on a treadmill bores me to tears. Still, I rack up at least 15 hours of exercise a week simply by walking my dog, running almost all my errands by foot, hiking with friends and eschewing the use of elevators and escalators wherever possible. None of it feels like exercise, and yet it all helps keep my heart healthy, not to mention happy!

Find A Form of Exercise you Enjoy

If it’s been a while since you’ve been active, it’s understandable that you might feel anxious about starting to exercise more. Rest assured, exercise is great for helping you improve your energy levels, mood and overall health and well being. Some caution is certainly warranted, as is common sense, so if it’s been a few months or years avoid jumping straight into training for a marathon or lifting heavy weights.

Find forms of exercise that you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, playing soccer with the kids, skipping rope, swimming or even playing dodgeball – and go out and have fun! That way, it won’t feel like a chore and you’re more likely to stay motivated to achieve your health goals.

Exercise is a great way to:

  • Support your heart
  • Manage blood pressure already within the normal range
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Support mood and self-esteem
  • Keep everyday stress at bay
  • Promote great sleep!

Be sure to talk to your health care practitioner to work out the best way to build more exercise into your day.

Exercise with Friends

If you’re struggling to find fun ways to exercise, try asking friends how they stay active and ask if you can tag along on a hike, bike ride, freshwater swimming excursion, or if you can borrow their dog a couple of times a week to go for a long leisurely walk. Or, check out your local community center and sign up for salsa, Zumba, Pilates or other class where you can learn new skills, get fit and make new friends.

Let us know in the comments what creative ways you’ve found to meet your weekly exercise goals!

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7 Summer Outdoor Activities


7 Summer Outdoor Activities

As we careen towards fall, we really make an effort to savour every precious moment of the summer sun. And that’s pretty hard to do from inside a gym!

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to meet your fitness goals that don’t involve a Stairmaster – and plenty of warm afternoons left in the season. Here are our top 7 summer activities that beat the gym:

1. Swimming

Be it a lake, a river, outdoor pool, or the ocean, taking a dip is one of the best options for summer exercise. Not only is this full body workout great cardio, it can be very therapeutic, especially compared to high impact activities such as running. It’s also a great way to cool off – just remember to reapply sunscreen after toweling off! As a bonus, you can take this activity inside once the weather gets chilly.

2. Beach Volleyball

This activity is so much fun, you won’t even notice you’re exercising. Plus, once you’re done serving and spiking, you can jump in whichever body of water is nearest to cool off.

3. Hiking

Hit the trails while enjoying a little fresh air. Walking is fantastic exercise, and you can opt for short, simple walks around a local park or lake, or more challenging peaks with the corresponding rewards: stunning views. With plenty of water and a few healthy snacks, you’ll have toned legs and a clear head in no time.

4. Canoeing or Kayaking

Hiking has your lower body covered, but if your arms and back are feeling left out, a boat is your new best friend. Rent a canoe or kayak and get out on the open water with a friend and go exploring! This activity can be peaceful or powerful, depending on your approach.

5. Cycling

Whether you hit the trails or the city bike paths, cycling will help you pedal off the pounds while toning your legs. There’s nothing quite like feeling the wind in your face on a hot day. Cycling can be practical too – it’s a great way to get to the lake!

6. Gardening

It’s still not too late to plant your fall greens! Planting, weeding, and harvesting alike are all great ways to stay active and keep your core strong. Plus, you get the reward of freshly harvested veggies come fall!

7. Frisbee

We don’t all live near a lake, but your neighbourhood park can offer unlimited enjoyment – and fitness – with a Frisbee and a group of friends.
How do you keep fit in the summer months? We’d love to hear your favourite outdoor activities!

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Healthy Eating Hacks


Healthy Eating Hacks

If you think eating a healthy diet means eating meals that you don’t like, think again! Fresh, nutrient dense food packs much more flavor than nutrient poor or overly processed options, hands-down. With a little creativity, you can boost the nutritional value of all your favorite recipes – and still enjoy eating them.

Get started with these healthy eating hacks:

Add Colour

Adding naturally colorful foods to your meals will make them more appealing and flavorful. For a colourful flavour punch try the following: raw beet cubes into your salad, fresh strawberry slices on your oatmeal, chopped red bell pepper in your scrambled eggs!

Dessert-ify Your Day

Nothing appeals to your tastebuds quite like a sweet treat – ans they don’t even need to be calorie laden, sugar-filled treats to entice either! Curb mid-day hunger with quinoa cocoa balls, wake up to breakfast cookies, or treat yourself to a Rich Chocolate PGX® Satisfast™ Whey Protein drink anytime.

Sneak in Veggies

If your mom can sneak veggies into your meals, so can you. Substitute steamed cauliflower for one third of the cheese in baked mac & cheese, spread a layer of mashed yam under the tomato sauce on your pizza, or add half a cup of frozen cooked squash to your banana smoothie.

Healthy Ingredient Swap

Swap the mayo in your sandwich for a spread of homemade hummus, swap out French fries for baked sweet potato spears, or swap the sour cream in your homemade onion dip for plain Greek yogurt.

How do you make your healthy meals taste delicious? Let us know in the comments section below.

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