The Benefits of Biking


The Benefits of Biking

I’d like to preface this post with the admission that I do not consider myself a hardcore cyclist by any means. Although I rarely get out and about on my bike these days, I have cycled from Montreal to Vancouver, BC. As such, I know that one of the major benefits of biking is getting to see a country in a way that simply isn’t possible when driving.

Biking for Your Mind

Cycling is a great way to learn to go slow and appreciate the little things, especially in a big country like Canada or the US. Days spent cycling across the prairies lend themselves to mindful reflection. The big skies foster big thoughts, helping to push away the daily grind of answering emails, taking calls, making to-do lists and feeling overwhelmed by the minutiae of life.

Cycle-touring also offers a crash course in prioritizing, valuing, and jettisoning material possessions. When your thighs are burning as you ascend a mountain on your bike, it’s a good time to really consider whether it was necessary to hold onto that sweater, book, or metal paperweight in the shape of a cat. Being able to pack light, leave unnecessary baggage behind and make do with what you find on the road is good practice for life in general.


Biking for Your Body

In addition to the psychological benefits, cycling is fantastic all-round exercise. You can go at your own pace, meaning that it is easy to gradually increase your fitness level by choosing a short route that avoids steep hills initially, and working up to conquering the mountains (if you so wish). It is also low impact, so it’s ideal for runners who want to maintain their cardiovascular fitness without constantly jolting their joints.

The health benefits of biking include:

  • Improving overall muscle tone and strength
  • Increasing stamina (helping with other fitness and leisure activities)
  • Enhancing cardiovascular fitness and heart health
  • Supporting mental health by decreasing stress
  • Aiding weight management (burns about 300 calories an hour)
  • Enhancing joint flexibility and coordination

Biking for Your Environment

Not only does cycling help to keep cars off the road, thereby reducing air pollution, it also leads to healthier, happier employees. Many companies actually offer incentives, both financial and otherwise, for people who regularly cycle to work. Some companies will even give employees a rebate for a new bike as part of their commitment to health and the environment. So, be sure to ask your colleagues about any such initiatives, or help your company set up a program so that everyone can experience the benefits of cycling!

Biking for Your Enjoyment!

Cycling is an enjoyable way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine; you’re more likely to exercise when it’s fun! Getting the whole family to cycle to school and work together is also a wonderful way to keep kids active and healthy. Just be sure everyone is wearing a helmet and reflective gear

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Summer Family Fitness: 5 Ideas


Summer Family Fitness: 5 Ideas

We all know that ingraining healthy habits in kids is important for their health as adults, but what can you do to keep the whole family active in summer? If your kids are more inclined to spend their summer break inside playing video games or chatting with friends online, it’s time for emergency measures.

Here are five ways to stay fit with the whole family this summer:

1. Stay Playful!

How many cartwheels can you do in a row? Who’s up for some tug of war? Is your sidewalk crying out for a hopscotch race? Who’s the best at hide and seek? Can you finish a pillow-case race?

Staying active doesn’t always have to include well known, heart-pumping activities like swimming, hiking or sports. Create little games or challenges throughout the day for bursts of healthy fun, and your whole family – mom and dad included – will be getting lots of fun-loving exercise.

2. Indulge Their Whims!

Kids are fickle creatures, so if you want to encourage them to be healthy, indulge their whims. This might mean taking a spontaneous trip to the lake to swim, to the beach to play volleyball, or to the local courts to play tennis as soon as you get home from work, and why not? A couple of minutes into it, and you’ll be enjoying spending time with your kids, while feeling good about getting exercise.

3. Learn Together

What have you always wanted to learn? Tap dancing, karate, kayaking? Summer is the perfect opportunity to engage your kids in something new, as they’re likely to be looking for ways to avoid boredom. So seize the opportunity and sign up for a fun, new activity with your kids!

4. Bike! Bike! Bike!

Teaching kids to cycle, biking with kids in tow, or going for a family bike ride, are all great ways to stay active in summer. Getting out and about on two wheels will also help give your kids a sense of independence and freedom!

5. Make Yard Work Fun

No, seriously. Chores may not sound very fun, but it’s all in how you frame it. Ask your kid if they’d like to build a new pond in the back yard, or set up a picnic bench. What about planting a new row of their favourite vegetable, or building a basketball net, treehouse, or obstacle course? Yard work can be a lot of fun with kids!

The beauty of exercising with kids is their ability to turn everyday things into playful, bonding activities. Their constant state of wonder, and their willingness to try new things, allow them to find the fun in just about anything.

Have you found any ingenious ways to shake up your routine and stay fit with the kids in summer? Let us know in the comments below!

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A Healthy Vacation: Tips for Staying on Track


A Healthy Vacation: Tips for Staying on Track

It’s tempting to just disappear while you’re on vacation, and leave your healthy lifestyle back at home with your worries. The great thing is, it’s possible – and relatively easy! – to have an amazing vacation while keeping your overall health on track. Here’s how:

Plan an Active Vacation

Walk, run, or cycle around your destination! You’ll burn calories, be more likely to meet people, and get up close and personal with local sights, smells, and sounds.

If you’re going to be spending time at the beach, schedule activities such as snorkeling, kayaking, and surfing to keep your fitness in check while having oodles of fun.

Eat Consciously

Eating out and trying local cuisine is all part of being on vacation. Here are some tips to keep your diet on track while enjoying your meals:

  • Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables from local markets
  • Order salads and other menu items with dressing and sauce on the side
  • Stop eating when you’re full – no matter how large the serving is
  • Share desserts and other high calorie items
  • Add PGX®* Daily Singles to your meals to reduce cravings and maintain  healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

Drink Carefully

Go ahead and celebrate your vacation with a cocktail or juice.  The key is to not get carried away. Drinking too much alcohol or sugary beverages can sneak unwanted calories into your diet. Instead, keep yourself hydrated with good-for-you liquids such as lemon water, unsweetened tea, sparkling mineral water, and low-fat milk.

Treat Yourself

The whole point of vacation is to have an enjoyable experience, and part of that is not feeling like you’re missing out. So go ahead  – treat yourself! –  just remember that moderation is key to not over-indulging.

How do you stay on track while on vacation? Let us know in the comments section below.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®.

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Balancing Your Life: Tips for Lightening the Load


Balancing Your Life: Tips for Lightening the Load

Coco Chanel is famous (among other things) for her fashion advice – especially this gem: “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Coco, of course, was talking accessories, but her approach to getting dressed is rooted in philosophies of mindfulness and minimalism that can have far-reaching benefits in your life. In our busy culture, where overwork and overindulgence are supposed hallmarks of success, getting a few things off your plate, both literal and metaphorical, works wonders in bringing balance to your life.

Here are some signs you’ve taken on too much – and tips for lightening your load:

Occasional Fatigue

You’re tired. And not just long day at work plus the gym tired. This kind of fatigue isn’t cured by a latte or a good night’s sleep. No matter what you do, you don’t have the energy you used to. In the mornings, you’re groggy, and in the evenings, you’re too tired to socialise, exercise, or any other –cise.


You might have undiagnosed food sensitivities – wheat is often a culprit – and switching up your diet might give return that spark you’ve been missing. Eating too much can also make you feel sluggish and sleepy. Try a light elimination diet, where you avoid wheat and/or sugar for a week. Add in lots of fresh fruits & veggies and whole grains for a nutrient boost.


Do you have too many commitments and not enough time for yourself? It might be time to start saying no. Prioritize work and social activities in terms of “must do”, “nice to have”, and “not necessary”. Say yes to the “must do’s”, of course, but find ways to ease up on the “nice to have’s”, and cut out as many “not necessaries” as you can.

We often commit to too many things in advance (like those three weddings in one week this summer that didn’t seem like too much to handle when you RSVP’d). Ask yourself – if this project or event were happening this week, could you handle it?

Occasional Sleeplessness

If you find your mind racing at night, obsessing over your to-do list for the next day, it’s time to find an outlet. Sacrificing a good night’s sleep for worry will only leave you more stressed.


Caffeine could be keeping you wired, so steer clear, at least post0-lunch. A shot of espresso after noon can still affect you come bedtime. If you feel your day dragging, try water or a light snack with protein. Chocolate lovers aren’t off the hook either – your favorite dessert does have enough caffeine to impact your sleep. If you need something sweet before bed, try a small bowl of granola.


Here’s another chance to follow Coco’s advice and go minimal. Try to clear your schedule of nonessential tasks (easier said than done, we know). You might also find solace in creating a written to-do list and crossing off your achievements. The sense of accomplishment might be enough to quiet your mind.

Although this can seem overwhelming to someone who is already stretched thin, adding exercise and a calming deep breathing routine in the evenings will help you relax before bed.

Lackluster Skin and Hair

Have you noticed your hair doesn’t have the glossy shine it once did? Does your skin look dull or feel dry and irritated? Stress can put increased nutritional demands on your body; coupled with yo-yo dieting or a plate heavy on the processed foods, your skin and hair may not be getting the nutrients they need.


Swap the processed foods on your plate for fruits and veggies that are high in antioxidants. Vitamin A or beta carotene are requirements for normal growth and development of skin cells: try noshing on carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash, broccoli, spinach, peaches, and watermelon, just to name a few.

Vitamin C is another key vitamin for skin health. It increases production of collagen, which can help overall skin appearance. Add plenty of berries (especially strawberries), red peppers, dark, leafy greens, kiwi fruit, and of course oranges, to your daily routine. A vitamin C supplement can help ensure that you get optimal amounts of this skin health nutrient.

When it comes to shampoo-commercial worthy hair, choose biotin-rich foods such as salmon, eggs, avocado, peanuts, and almonds.


Your hair and skin needs more of two things – water and sleep – and less of one thing: stress. Managing your stress levels will set the stage for radiant skin and hair. First and foremost, make sleep a priority. Getting the rest you need will help your body cope better with the day-to-day stress of  busy life.

Just a few small changes in your diet and lifestyle can take your stress levels from overwhelming to smooth sailing. Just take it one step at a time, and visit us on Facebook and Twitter for more tips on healthy living!

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