The 5 Worst Things You Can Do Post-Workout

The 5 Worst Things You Can Do Post-Workout

There’s nothing quite like hitting your fitness routine stride. The momentum is amazing, but it’s important to keep in mind how easily we can sabotage our progress without meaning to.

You’re done your workout, and you feel great. But now what? It’s important to remember that what you do after your workout can impact the lasting effects and progress of your exercise. Along with some healthy alternatives, here are the five worst things you can do post-workout:

1. Eat Unhealthy Foods

After a hard workout, your body is going to need to refuel. You’ve just burned calories, so you’re going to be hungry. As such, you may start to feel cravings for foods that your body doesn’t need, such as french fries, burgers, or chicken wings.

Instead of giving in to your cravings, focus on everything you’ve just accomplished and seek out a healthy and satisfying way to feed your hunger. Some great post-workout foods that are quick to make, healthy, and filling are:

  • Fruit salad with a side of greek yogourt
  • Salad with lots of fresh veggies with a helping of protein (chicken, tofu, beans, hard-boiled egg)
  • A smoothie with a scoop of protein powder
  • Sandwich on whole grain or gluten-free bread, complete with fresh toppings
  • A brown rice burrito bowl

Consume Alcohol2. Consume Alcohol

After your workout, a friend rings you up to see if you want to meet up for a drink. How will alcohol affect your workout?

Put plainly and simply, alcohol contains a lot of calories and it’s an easy way to sabotage the workout you just shed sweat for. Also, alcohol has been linked to how your body stores glycogen, and it can cause you to feel fatigued quicker during your next cardio workout, especially if you consume more than a drink or two.

There’s no need to forego meeting up with your friends, though! Swap out your usual alcoholic beverage for a refreshing soda water with lemon instead. Your body will thank you for the extra hydration.

3. Skip Your Cool Down

Cooling down after a workout helps your breathing and heart rate return to resting levels at a gradual pace. It also helps ensure that you don’t suffer from dizziness or fainting due to blood pooling in the muscle areas. You may be in a hurry to head out the door after hitting it hard at the gym, but always take the time to engage in a proper cool-down.

Forget to Hydrate4. Forget to Hydrate

When you’re exercising at the gym, you are perspiring which depletes your water storage. The only way to get it back is to hydrate during and after your workout. You may not feel thirsty, but make hydrating a regular part of your exercise routine.

Drinks that help with rehydrate the body include:

  • Water
  • Coconut Water
  • Smoothies

It’s also helpful to eat fruit and veggies that are hydrating such as watermelons, cucumbers, lettuce, and oranges.

5. Not Get Enough Sleep

If you’re tired when exercising, you are putting yourself at risk for injury. Getting adequate sleep has also been linked to eating habits. If you’re sleep deprived, it’s a lot easier to make unhealthy food choices, drink too much caffeine, and give in to a lack of energy.

If you give your body the rest that it needs, you’ll feel awake, rested, and ready to tackle the day’s work out!

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How to Actually Stick to Your Goals

How to Actually Stick to Your Goals

The New Year offers us a great opportunity to embrace change. While around 50% of us make resolutions in January, barely any of us (a measly 8%!) maintain those changes for a year, let alone turn those changes into positive lifelong habits. Setting goals is admirable, but what does it take to actually stick to your goals?

Here are three big reasons why it can be hard to stick to your goals, along with some handy tips on how to set yourself up for success:

Making the Same Resolution Every Year1. Making the Same Resolution Every Year

By making, and then breaking, the same goals over and over, you’re engaging in psychological sabotage. So if you find yourself stuck in a rut of making the same resolution every January 1st and not following through, it’s time for a change.

Take some time to think seriously about the change(s) you want to make and why. There’s no shame in admitting that some things just aren’t your priority and doing so can free up your mental energy to develop healthy habits that do work for you.

Alternative Approach

Does your typical new year resolution include fitness? Then think about what this really means to you. It’s likely to be different for everyone, and there are many ways to achieve this goal. For example:

  • Able to walk up stairs without feeling breathless
  • Run a 5 km charity race in under 45 minutes
  • Lift your own body weight at the gym
  • Able to keep up with the kids on their bikes while on vacation

Narrow in on a specific goal and use it to set a series of smaller, achievable targets, and create a plan to reach them. This is a great start to help enable you to stick to your goals!

2. Making Your Goals Too General

Nothing hampers success like a moving target, and most new year’s resolutions are vague and rather elusive. As noted above specificity is key, otherwise, how will you know when you’re on track or have achieved your goal?

Alternative Approach

SMART people know that acronyms can be a real help. As such, make sure your goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timeline

For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight this year”, resolve to lose a realistic, achievable, safe amount of weight each week for the next 52 weeks. Better still, resolve to get your body fat percentage down by 10%.

Set up a way to measure your progress and figure out a plan to get you there. This could include cutting down portion sizes by a third, eating more plant foods to increase your fibre intake, or cutting out major sources of saturated fat and sugar.

3. Losing Track, and Motivation

Imagine your goal for the year is a town called “Happiness” far off in the distance. You can’t see the town’s lights yet, but you know it’s there and you want to find it. On January 1st you set off at full speed towards the horizon but you soon lose your way, forget where you started, grow dispirited, and end up snacking at a roadside fruit stand before heading back home.

Now, think about how you can develop a better (or any!) strategy to get to Happiness. Instead of just going full tilt without a plan, consult your map and lay out some goals. Get specific. Set up mile markers at reasonable points along that road and focus on those instead of the far off, and intimidating end goal. This works for fitness goals, spending goals, weight loss (or gain) goals, and also for career and relationship goals.

How to Set Specific GoalsHow to Set Specific Goals

As an example, if your dream goal is to run 15 km in less than 100 minutes in a November charity race, set yourself specific weekly running goals based on your current level of fitness† and a schedule you can stick to, such as the one outlined below.

By setting specific, realistic, achievable, measurable goals on a timeline, that 15 km charity run in under 100 minutes is totally doable, even for a novice runner.

Training Schedule for Novice Runner

For a novice runner, a training schedule needs to be detailed, such as the one below:

Weeks 1–10
  • Weeks 1 and 2: 1 km twice a week and 2 km on weekends
  • Weeks 3 and 4: 2 km twice a week and 3 km on weekends
  • Weeks 5 and 6: 3 km twice a week and 4 km on weekends
  • Weeks 7 and 8: 4 km twice a week and 5 km on weekends (celebrate your first 5 km run!)
  • Weeks 9 and 10: 5 km twice a week and 6 km on weekends
Weeks 11–21
  • Weeks 11 and 12: 6 km twice a week and 7 km on weekends
  • Week 13 (early April): 7 km twice a week and a 5 km charity race at the weekend
  • Week 14: 7 km twice a week and 8 km on weekends
  • Weeks 15 and 16: 8 km twice a week and 9 km on weekends
  • Weeks 17 and 18: 9 km twice a week and 10 km on weekends (celebrate your first 10 km run!)
  • Weeks 19, 20, and 21: 10 km twice a week and 11 km on weekends
Weeks 22–28
  • Week 22 (early June): 11 km twice a week and a 10 km charity run on the weekend
  • Weeks 23 and 24: 12 km twice a week and 13 km on the weekend
  • Weeks 25 and 26: 13 km twice a week and 14 km on the weekend
  • Weeks 27 and 28: 14 km twice a week and 15 km on the weekend (celebrate getting to 15 km!)
  • Weeks 29 and 30: 15 km twice a week and 16 km on the weekend
  • Weeks 31 to 36 (early September): 15 km three times a week (aim for a run-time of less than 140 minutes)
  • Weeks 37 to 42: 15 km three times a week (aim for a run-time of less than 120 minutes)
  • Weeks 43 to 45: 15 km three times a week (aim for a run-time of less than 100 minutes)
  • Week 46 (mid November): 15 km charity race (run time less than 100 minute).

You’re All Set!

The final thing to take note of is that getting fit and losing weight are two separate things. If you want to do both, tackle them as distinct goals with separate milestones and strategies. Also, be aware that getting fit means building muscle, which could mean you gain lean body weight. As such, a better goal pair would be to “run 10 km in under an hour” and “decrease body fat by 10%”.

†Always consult with a qualified health care practitioner if you are unsure before starting a new exercise program.

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Why You Need to Give Jumping Rope a Try

Why You Need to Give Jumping Rope a TryIf you’re looking for a fun way to boost your cardio and get your heart beating, look no further than jump roping! This exercise, known as play in our childhood, is wildly overlooked as an amazing form of fitness. And, adding jump rope into your fitness routine will cost you less than $20!

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to jump in!

Choosing the Right Jump Rope

Here are a few tips to select the jump rope that’s right for you:

  • Novice jump roper? Aim for a rope that is slightly heavier, like a beaded rope.
  • Avid jump roper? Pick a coated rope with light-weight handles.
  • For extra upper body resistance, select a rope with weighted handles.
  • Stand on the rope and make sure the handles reach all the way to your under arms. This ensures the rope is long enough for you to jump comfortably with.

3 Awesome Benefits of Jumping Rope

1. A Workout for Arms, Legs, and Your Upper Body

Jumping rope tones and tightens both your arms and legs, andtThe circular motion your arms go through the entire time you are jumping is great for your upper body.

2. Burns a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time

Jumping rope is an aerobic workout that burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time.It’s unlikely you will be able to jump rope for longer than 15 minutes. As a general understanding, jumping rope for 5 minutes straight can be the equivalent of running over 3 miles, which is fantastic as it’s unlikely you’d be able to jump for more than 15 minutes.

3. Perfect for Travelling

A jump rope is perfect for travelling! It’s lightweight, can fit into any luggage compartment, and you can find somewhere to jump almost anywhere.

2 Different Jump Rope Styles to Try

There are a lot of other ways to jazz up your jump rope routine. Here are a two of my favourite ways to jump rope:

The Normal Way1. The “Normal” Way

This way is exactly what you think of when jumping rope comes to mind. You stay in one place, feet together, jumping up and down. Some people prefer to interchange their legs instead of jumping with their feet together.

In the beginning, you’ll notice your heart rate will skyrocket as you jump. As your body gets used to the movement, you’ll notice that your heart rate won’t spike as high and will fall back to normal quicker during rest periods.

Jumping and Moving2. Jumping and Moving

Who says that you need to stay in one spot while jumping rope? A fun way to spice things up is to move forward while jumping. Start in one spot, then with interchanging feet instead of jumping up – jump forward! You can move 5–10 hops forward on the same foot, then turn around and hop back on the opposite foot.

You can also try variations of hops like side-to-side hops and front-to-back hops.

Monitoring Your Heart Rate

As noted above, jumping rope is a highly aerobic exercise. As such, it’s a good idea to keep track of your heart rate during this exercise. Here’s how:

Take 220 minus your age to determine your maximum heart rate. Take your pulse for 6 seconds and tack on a “0”. That is a general guideline for your heart rate at that moment. For example, if you take your pulse after jumping rope for 1 minute and it is 18, adding on a zero would be 180.

For more information on your heart rate and general age guidelines, HealthLinkBC has a great interactive tool.

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How to Avoid the Dreaded Winter Workout Slump

How to Avoid the Dreaded Winter Workout Slump

It can be hard to gear ourselves up to work out in the Winter. As the colder, shorter days begin, we cozy down, and the inspiration to get outside or head to the gym can dwindle. Before we know it, we often find ourselves in the midst of a winter workout slump.

Here’s a three-step plan to help you avoid the dreaded Winter workout slump:

Set Yourself a Goal1. Set Yourself a Goal

When it comes to motivation, setting goals can help keep you on track. The trick to achieving your goals is to set ones that are realistic and attainable.

Some examples of great starter goals are:

  • A complete workout for an hour every other day
  • Move your body for at least 30 minutes every day
  • Get up an hour early to get a workout in before the day starts (this is a great goal for people who know they are hard to motivate after work)

Here’s a trick to help ensure you keep working toward your goal once you’ve set it – post it everywhere! Write it on your bathroom mirror with a dry-erase pen. Write it on a piece of paper and tape it to your refrigerator. Set a daily reminder in your phone. This way, the goal you’re working toward will be right in front of you, every day, motivating you to stick to it.

There are many simple ways to help keep yourself motivated as you work toward achieving your goal. You may have to cycle through a few of them until you find the one that’s the perfect method for you. Here are some different forms you can try:

Make Yourself a Visual Reminder

Many people need to see themselves actually working toward their goal. A simple and effective way to do this is to get a calendar (the old fashion paper kind!) and mark every single day that you stick to your goal.

Reward Yourself

If you have something tangible to work toward – like a new pair of shoes, or a fancy dinner out – it can often be easier to keep yourself focused, as you may feel you’ll have something to physically show for your efforts. This is a great tool for people who have trouble feeling motived by goals they can’t touch or feel.

Find an Accountability Partner

Having someone who holds up accountable to our goals is almost always helpful. Find someone you can trust to periodically check in on your progress, and gently nudge you if you’re getting off track. Even better if you can reciprocate the favour and be their accountability partner too!

Try New Indoor Activities2.Try New Indoor Activites

It’s not hard to understand why people don’t love to workout in the cold. But one of the overlooked benefits of winter is the ability to workout indoors and not feel like you’re missing out on a beautiful, warm, and sunny day. It’s the perfect time to try that spin class!

Here are some fun indoor activities:

  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Spin
  • Zumba

Track Your Progress3. Track Your Progress

Motivation tends to come easily when you start seeing results. Now that you’re holding yourself accountable, and trying new activities, it’s time to start tracking your progress.

Keep in mind that it takes time to see changes in your body, but if you’re sticking to your goals, after four weeks you should begin to feel some changes. After eight weeks, people close to you, who see you often, are bound to start making comments on how great you look! But, most importantly – you will be feeling amazing, awake, and full of energy, even in the middle of winter!

Don’t let the winter slump suck you in! Stick to these tips and keep on moving throughout the cold months.

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How to Boost Your Endurance: 5 Tips

How to Boost Your Endurance: 5 Tips

When it comes to athletics, endurance is a personal matter that can be affected by your fitness level, experience, nutrition, and determination. Whether you’re a cardio rookie or a seasoned athlete, here are five tips to help boost your endurance level:

mind over matter1. Mind over Matter

Some people are capable of pushing their bodies beyond their physical limits while others may be held back by mental barriers. Breaking these barriers through the use of visualization techniques, healthy rewards, and encouraging mantras can help keep your mind focused and motivated.

2. Slow and Steady

Boost your endurance gradually so that your body and mind have time to adapt. When creating your training plan, increase your distance or speed goals in small, steady increments and allocate time for recovery. If you’re a runner, this could be done by adding one additional kilometre to each weekly long run. Similarly, cyclists can plan their routes to gradually incorporate more hills or technical terrain.

training plan3. Training Plan

A personalized training plan documents the steps that you need to take in order to reach your endurance goals. It’s an excellent tool for organizing your workout, and for holding yourself accountable to the goals you set.

Begin by writing a six-week schedule of the workouts that you need to do and stick to it.

4. Fuel for Endurance

As your endurance builds, your body will burn more energy during your longer, more intense workouts. In order to sustain your endurance, you’ll need to fuel it with foods that keep your energy up and blood sugar steady.

Great pre-workout snacks to help provide fuel for your growing endurance include:

  • Oatmeal
  • Peanut butter and banana slices on whole grain bread
  • Greek yoghurt, berries, and chia seeds
  • Baked sweet potato

And don’t forget to stock-up on *PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan Protein Bars for convenient post-workout recovery with 15 g of organic vegan protein.

5. Respect Your Recovery

Building endurance puts additional stress on your muscles and joints. Allow time for your body to recover between workouts to help avoid injury and support your endurance performance. Make sure your recovery regime includes:

  • Enough sleep
  • Scheduled rest days
  • Good hydration
  • Regular stretching
  • Massage

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.

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Strength Training for Runners: 5 Basic Moves

Strength Training For Runners: 5 Basic Moves

Do stronger, more efficient, comfortable runs sound too good to be true? Not at all! These are the benefits of strength training for runners.

Running is a repetitive movement that works specific muscle groups. The right strength training exercises can help even out imbalances between opposing muscles while maintaining your current muscle mass. In other words, your goal is not to bulk up, but to support your running performance.

To get started, here are five basic strength training exercises to do once or twice a week:

planks1. Planks

Planks work your abs, back, shoulders, glutes, and hips – not to mention your willpower! These core muscles support your upper body as you run and help keep your movements efficient.

As a bonus, the plank is an exercise you can do virtually anywhere, making it an ideal move for people who travel a lot.


  • Begin with 3 sets of 15 second planks, gradually working towards one minute.
  • Keep your stomach muscles tight when executing this move.

2. Heel Walks

As a runner, your feet, ankles, and shins take a lot of stress. Help keep them strong and reduce your susceptibility to shin splints with heel walks.


  • Begin with 3x 30-second walks, gradually working towards one minute.
  • Execute the heel walks in bare feet.
  • Walk in place, not forwards.

lunges3. Lunges

The good ‘ole lunge! Anyone who’s done even the most basic exercise program is familiar with the lunge – and for good reason! Lunges build strength and balance in your quads, hips, and glutes, important muscles for everyone, but particularly for runners.



  • Begin with 3 sets of 5 lunges per leg.
  • Lower yourself slowly into each lunge.
  • Keep your forward knee behind your toes.

4. Seated Row With a Resistance Band

Strengthening your middle and upper back muscles can help reduce upper body fatigue during long runs.


  • Begin with 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Use a slow, controlled motion.
  • Keep your back stationary.

4. Nordic Hamstring Exercise

Maintain sturdy hamstrings with diligent eccentric hamstring training [1]. These are exercises where the muscles extend as they contract.


  • Begin gradually with 1x 10 rep session per week.
  • Keep your hands in front to stop your fall forward.

After your next strength training session, refuel your muscles with a PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan 15 g Protein Bar.*

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.

[1] Thorborg, Kristian. Why Hamstring Eccentrics Are Hamstring Essentials. British Journal of Sports Medicine. (2012); 46:463-465. Web. 4 February 2016.

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5 Common Fitness Fears and How to Overcome Them


With all the benefits of regular exercise – including a stronger body, overall better health, endorphins, stress relief, lower BMI, and more – why wouldn’t you exercise?* Are your fitness fears holding you back?

Whether you’re new to working out or recently fallen off the wagon, fitness can be intimidating. But fear is no excuse for pushing aside your health and well-being. Get your workouts on track with these simple solutions to help you overcome five common fitness fears:

Fear 1: I Don't Know What I'm DoingFear #1: “I Don’t Know What I’m Doing”

Some exercises can look complicated, but those aren’t your only options. Start with something simple yet, effective – such as walking. It’s one of the simplest ways to burn calories, strengthen multiple muscle groups, support cardiovascular health, and boost your mood.

Once you’re ready for more complex activities, join an exercise class or hire a personal trainer so that you can learn proper forms and techniques.

Fear #2: “Everyone Is Looking at Me”

The right workout clothes can help boost your confidence at the gym or any other public place where people may glance your way. Find an outfit that is comfortable to exercise in and that you know looks good on you. Feeling good about your appearance may actually make your workout more successful.

Fear 3: I'm Not Fit Enough To Do ThatFear #3: “I’m Not Fit Enough to Do That”

Don’t pass up the opportunity to try a new exercise because of your fitness level. Whether you’re interested in hot yoga, taking a spin class, or joining a running club, start slow and set achievable goals that will gradually improve your fitness and abilities over time. You’ll find that most people are supportive and excited to witness your progress.

Fear #4: “Working out Is Boring”

If exercise feels like a chore, try something new. Go swimming at your local pool, join a dance class, roller blade, or jump rope in front of your TV. In addition to these, try working out with a friend. You’ll be surprised how quickly your workout passes when you’re engaged in a good conversation.

Fear #5: “I’m Not Seeing Any Results”

We all like immediate gratification, but it may take a few weeks (or possibly months) to see changes in your body mass and muscle tone. In the meantime, be patient and focus on other benefits, such as endorphins and increased energy levels.

Prior to starting your exercise journey, please ensure that you’ve spoken with your doctor and are cleared to begin.

Support your fitness and weight loss goals with PGX. Refuel after your workouts with PGX* Satisfast Whey Protein Drink Mix and keep your blood sugar stable already within the normal range with PGX* Daily Singles.*

**Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.

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How to Work Exercise into Your Vacation

How to Work Exercise into Your Vacation

You may find it hard to fit in exercise on your vacation between all the adventuring, exploring, and relaxing you’re doing. But logic dictates that a little maintenance when you’re away will help you stay on track with your long-term health and fitness goals. Luckily, we have a few simple ways to work exercise into your vacation, while still leaving plenty of room for fun and adventure.

Tracking Your StepsTrack Your Steps

While playing tourist you will likely be doing a lot of walking, so keeping track of your steps is an excellent way of gauging how much exercise you’re getting. As a basic fitness guideline, aim for a daily minimum of 10,000 steps.

Resistance BandsResistance Bands

Resistance bands are light, easy to travel with and have the ability to give you an awesome full body workout, all within the comfort of your hotel room!

Partner ExercisePartner Exercises

The benefits of working out with a partner are pretty great. It’s a fun way to spend time together, you can execute many different types of exercises you aren’t able to do solo, and you can provide each other with motivation when needed.  If you’re vacationing with someone, partnering up to get your workouts done can be a refreshing change of pace from your every day routine.


Here are two partner exercises to try:

1. The Abdominal Workout

  • Lie on the ground and hold your partner’s ankles
  • Bring your legs straight up while your partner throws your legs down
  • Try to slow your legs down as quickly as possible without letting them touch the ground

2. Partner Pushups

  • Face your partner and as he/she goes down into a pushup, follow
  • When you both push up, reach across and high five each other with your right hand
  • Repeat the movement, the high five each other with your left hand

Mindful Food ChoicesMindful Food Choices

Exercise is key of course, but nutrition is just as important to your long-term health and fitness goals. Try to eat as many whole foods as possible, keep up the fruit and veggie intake, and hydrate often!


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How to Exercise Safely in the Heat


image-blog-PGX-How to Exercise Safely in the Heat-20160719During the sunny days of summer, a lot of people like to take their workouts outside. But with all that glorious sunshine also comes the heat, and the need to be extra cautious and smart about the way you exercise out of doors.

Follow these five tips on how to exercise smartly and safely outside during the summer:

1. Avoid the Hottest image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-sun-20160720Times of the Day

One of the simplest things you can do to exercise smartly in the summer is to avoid the hottest parts of the day.

Usually, the hottest point of the day is the early to late afternoon – when the sun is blazing above – but a quick glance at your local weather forecast should help pinpoint more exact times.

Ideally, you’re able to schedule your workout in the morning, before it gets too hot, or in the evening once it’s started to cool off a little.

image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-caprun-201607202. Pick the Right Clothing and Accessories

Opt for lightweight, light coloured, breathable clothing. If you’re going to be working up a sweat, look for tops and bottoms that are designed to wick away sweat and moisture, and have vents or mesh built in. And don’t forget about your feet! Make sure your socks are also moisture wicking, light, and comfortable.

You’ll also want to invest in a good hat. Look for something made from light materials, with a decent brim, and vented panels that will allow for air flow and help to keep you cool. And don’t forget to protect your face and other bare limbs with sunscreen!

image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-h20bottle-201607203. Have Water On-Hand

This should really go without saying, but water is a must-have when exercising in the heat. If you’re worried about a water bottle being cumbersome, you can buy belts that hold little water bottles in them while you workout. You can also buy slim, lightweight water bottles that are easy to hold if you’re doing an exercise like running, where your hands aren’t required.

If you’re worried about a water bottle being cumbersome, you can buy belts that hold little water bottles in them while you workout. You can also buy slim, lightweight water bottles that are easy to hold if you’re doing an exercise like running, where your hands aren’t required.

You can also pour a little water over your head, neck our shoulders to help you cool down.

image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-shaderun-201607204. Pick a Shaded Route/Spot

Finding a workout spot or route  that is partially or fully shaded is a great option to keep cool. Parks, rural areas, and local athletic fields are a great choice, as they often provide wide open areas and trails that offer shade.


image-pgx-blog-pointer-icon-stretch-201607205. Cool Down

A 10–15 minute cool down will help naturally bring your temperature back down after exercising in the heat. To cool down, take a slow walk for 10–15 minutes while sipping on some water.

To cool down, take a slow walk for 10–15 minutes while sipping on some water. Add in a few upper and lower body stretches afterward, and you’re good to go!

Working out in the heat of summer can be a fun and rewarding way of keeping in shape. Just remember to be thoughtful of your body and how you’re feeling during the exercise.


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7 Tips to Pump You up When You Lack Motivation

7 Tips to Pump You Up When You Lack Motivation

Feeling unmotivated? That’s okay! But it doesn’t mean you should pass up your workout. After all, exercise is one of the best motivators – you just need to get started.

Keep your fitness in check with these seven tips for working out when you lack motivation:

1. Crank Up the Tunes

It’s hard to resist moving to the beat of a great song. Keep a playlist of your favourite energizing tunes on hand to help get you pumped up to workout.

image-pgx-blog-point-201605022. Try a New Workout

When your regular workout just isn’t cutting it, opt for something new like a Zumba class, power walking, or challenging yourself to a 20-minute Tabata workout!

3. Watch a Sports Clip

There’s something inspiring about watching other athletes in action, so queue up a short clip of extreme surfers, sprinters, or ultra-endurance athletes and soon you’ll be out the door.

4. Schedule a Friendly Game

An hour playing beach volleyball, tennis, or soccer with friends sounds a lot more fun than working out – yet that’s exactly what you’re doing. The key is committing to the game ahead of time so that you’re accountable for showing up — even when you feel unmotivated.

image-pgx-blog-point-201605025. Envision Your Goal

Research shows that visualizing your goal increases your motivation to reach it. Take a few minutes to envision how wonderful you’ll feel after your workout and how much fitter and stronger you’ll look after one month of regular exercise sessions.


6. Commit to Ten Minutes

Ten minutes of exercise sounds more appealing than 45. To get myself out of bed for early morning runs, my mantra is that I only need to put on my running clothes and run for ten minutes. If I don’t enjoy myself, I can go back to bed. But 99% of the time I keep going.

7. Reward Yourself

No matter your age, rewards are great motivators. The trick is to keep them healthy! Some possible rewards include a new book, a massage, or a Dark Chocolate *PGX® Satisfast™ Vegan Protein smoothie.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.


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