The PGX Center’s DEXA Machine

Take advantage of our DEXA scanner and discover your body composition.

One of the cool things about our new PGX Program Center is the DEXA scanner. It looks a bit like a tanning bed but it is actually a unique kind of X-ray machine.

DEXA Scanner

DEXA is an abbreviation for “dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.” This piece of equipment provides one of the most accurate measurements of body composition available, registering the distribution of fat and lean muscle throughout the body. A DEXA scan sends low-energy X-rays from two different sources through the body, which is about as much energy as an airport body scanner. The person lies face-up on the machine and the scanning device makes several passes over the body. It takes about 6 minutes for the scan, with the whole process taking about 15 minutes. Information from the scan is sent to a computer where calculations are done to provide a detailed score and illustrated printout that helps the nutrition and fitness experts at the PGX Center advise that individual on an appropriate program for weight management, fitness, and lifestyle changes.


Train Like an Olympian

5 tips on how to train like an Olympic athlete.

Although standing on the Olympic podium may seem like a dream fit for only the world’s most elite athletes, there’s no reason why we can’t all take notice of how they train and find inspiration for our own fitness goals and workouts.

Below, find motivation from our top five favourite tips on how to train like an olympic athlete, inspired by an article shared by Men’s Fitness. Read the full Men’s Fitness article here.

  1. Fuel your body: Eat well and stay hydrated. For extra help in preventing sugar cravings and overeating, try adding PGX to your diet.
  2. Rest: Downtime and getting enough sleep are just as important as training. Don’t work your body too hard without giving it the proper rest it deserves.
  3. Warm-up: Be sure to warm-up your body properly and leave time in your workout for a proper cool down and recovery.
  4. Believe in yourself: Mentally prepare yourself for your goals. Write them down; find inspiration and don’t allow yourself to give up.
  5. Early bird gets the worm: Schedule your workouts for the beginning of the day before you can get too tired or distracted.



Recipe: Zucchini & Potato Curry Soup

Tasty Tuesday: The Olympic Edition

Inspired by the 2014 Winter Games that are currently taking place in Sochi, we wanted to share a recipe fit for an Olympian! That said, we were incredibly happy to come across the below recipe from American Olympian, Mariel Zagunis, which we have adapted from Health. With all of the same hearty ingredients as Mariel’s original recipe, ours is a little bit different, of course, as it includes PGX!

So, go ahead and fuel your body like an Olympian and keep chasing your goals, PGX’ers!


  • 1 tbsp of olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic cloves
  • 2 tsp of curry powder
  • 1 potato
  • 2 zucchini
  • 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1/4 tsp of pepper
  • 1 packet of PGX Granules per person


  1. Chop onion, mince garlic cloves, peel and dice potato, and dice zucchini.
  2. Add olive oil and onion to a saucepan and cook for just under 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  3. Stir in garlic and curry powder. Continue stirring for about 1 minute.
  4. Add remaining ingredients, except for PGX Granules. Heat until soup is boiling.
  5. Once boiling, reduce heat and cover saucepan. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  6. Serve into individual bowls and add PGX Granules.


Wear Red Day

Support Heart Month and women’s heart health by wearing red today.

Today is National Wear Red Day in the United States and we want to help spread the word on how you can support the movement! By wearing red today, you’ll be helping raise awareness of heart disease, which is the number one killer of women.

Learn more about heart disease and how you can help create survivors by watching the video below and visiting the Go Red for Women website.

Exercise & Heart #Health

How exercise can help support your heart health.

This February, we are focusing on Heart Month in more ways than one: with healthy eating (read our latest Heart Health Tasty Tuesday recipe) and healthy habits, such as exercising regularly.

We all know that being active is a part of a healthy lifestyle. But did you know that regular aerobic exercise can strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system and improve heart failure symptoms?

Aerobic exercise can be as simple as taking a 30 minute walk or jog, or as complex as hitting the gym and engaging in multiple exercises, such as jumping rope, using the stationary bike and the rowing machine. No matter which exercises you decide to do, however, it’s important that you commit to doing them at least three times a week in order to reap the maximum health benefits.

If you’re just getting started, try taking your dog for a walk or ask a friend to go on a leisurely bike ride with you. It’s best to begin slowly and increase the level of difficultly and the length of the exercise as you go along; this will prevent feelings of frustration and you’ll be more likely to stick with your new routine!

PGX Tip: Try fuelling up with a PGX protein shake before you begin your exercise.


Recipe: Heart Healthy Berry Smoothie

It’s Heart Month and we’re celebrating with heart healthy recipes!

In honour of Heart Month, we’ve decided to dedicate every Tasty Tuesday this month to heart healthy recipe. This week, we’re kicking it off with a heart healthy breakfast smoothie, adapted from the Heart and Stroke  Foundation, that is the perfect option for those of you who are too busy in the morning to sit down and eat. Grab it on the go, fuel up for the day and feel good about what you’re feeding your body and your heart!

Find the full recipe below.


  • 500 mL 1% milk
  • 250 mL frozen mixed berries
  • 1 pear
  • 25 mL flax seeds
  • 15 mL honey
  • 2.5 – 5 grams PGX Granules per person


  1. Cut the pear up into small pieces.
  2. Blend all ingredients together, except for PGX granules.
  3. Pour into glasses, stir PGX into individual glasses and serve.


The PGX Program: Roadmap Diet

Sign up for The PGX Program and discover if the Roadmap Diet is for you.

PGX Roadmap Diet

If you are someone who needs a roadmap to better health, the Roadmap Diet Plan is a safe, highly effective, and clinically proven way to lose weight. It’s easy to follow because it’s a structured meal plan. Discover how to get started below!

What is the PGX Roadmap Diet?

In its simplest form, the PGX Roadmap Diet consists of the following:

  1. Two PGX Meal Replacement Shakes per Day: Take a full serving of the PGX Meal Replacement Shake twice per day, in place of two meals such as breakfast and dinner, or breakfast and lunch. Alternatively, you can take PGX Granules, Capsules or SatisFast shakes with a meal in place of the PGX Meal Replacement Shakes, but be sure to slowly increase your PGX intake from 2.5 up to 5 grams per meal.
  2. Two or Three 100-150 Calorie Snacks: Have two small snacks with a source of protein and fibre between meals. To make it easier and to stave off hunger, mix up a PGX SatisFast shake as a snack. Only have an after dinner snack if absolutely necessary.
  3. A Healthy, Balanced Meal with 2.5 – 5 grams of PGX: A portion-controlled, healthy and balanced meal for lunch or dinner with 2.5 to 5 grams of PGX. The easiest way to get this additional PGX is with the PGX Granules or Capsules.

Try to include as many whole foods in their most natural state and really limit processed or manufactured industry foods. If you don’t know how to cook, your cooking skills are poor, or just don’t have time to cook, refer to The PGX Program Booklet 10 Lazy Person’s Guide to Food Planning and Preparation, which you can download when you sign up for The PGX Program!

How to Keep Your Resolutions Alive

Checking in on your New Year’s Resolutions.

Tomorrow marks the end of January and we want to take a moment to check in with all you PGX’ers and see how your New Year’s Resolutions are coming along.

If you’ve found yourself falling behind, don’t panic! We have some tips on how you can get back on track.

3 Tips to Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Alive:

  • Be specific – Setting goals is a great start but broad, general resolutions, such as “get healthy,” most likely won’t get you very far. Try to be specific with your goals, such as “I will eat one piece of fruit with breakfast and lunch, cut out my afternoon latte and go to the gym every day after work.”
  • Ease your way into it – Trying to quite bad habits and pick up good ones cold turkey will only set you up for failure. Try giving up your vices gradually. For example, if you want to cut down on your daily two trips to Starbucks, instead of attempting to not go at all, try cutting your trips down by half for one month. Then the next month, cut it down even further, etc.
  • Share you goals – Tell your friends and family about the goals you’ve made and ask them to help keep you accountable. Better yet, pick a resolution buddy and make your goals together. It’s always easier to achieve your goals with support!

Let us know how your goals are coming along in the comments below. And if you have any other tips, we’d love to hear them!


30 Day Squat Challenge

Kick off 2014 right by adding this 30 day squat challenge to your workouts!

You know you want to get healthier this year, and heading to the gym and being active is part of that plan. But figuring out workout ideas once you’ve gotten to the gym can present a whole different kind of problem. It can be hard to pick which type of exercises you want to do and little bit daunting if the exercises you attempt are not broken down into step by step, day by day progressions. Which is why we’re thrilled to introduce to you (and challenge you!) to the below 4 week squat challenge by PopSugar.

Take each workout day by day and at the end of day 30, tell us about your results. And don’t forget, you can come try your workouts at the brand new PGX Center for free!

Do you have a great workout to share? Let us, and your fellow PGX’ers, know all about it below in the comments. Let’s get fit together!