March is Nutrition Month

nutrition month

Have you had your “daily 10” today? Despite the key role that vegetables and fruits play in equipping our bodies with essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants, many people are not eating enough. The Canada Food Guide recommends that adults eat 7 to 10 servings per day – meaning ½ cup of vegetables or one medium sized fruit per serving.[1]

If you’re having trouble fitting in your “daily 10”, try these three ideas for sneaking extra produce into everyday meals and snacks.


1. Yam pizza. Boost the vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium content of your next homemade pizza by spreading ½ cup of cooked, mashed yam onto the pizza dough. Top with a thin layer of tomato sauce and your favorite healthy toppings.

2. Black bean smoothie. Rev-up the fibre content and antioxidant power of your morning berry smoothie by adding a ½ cup of black beans.

3. Salsa yogurt salad dressing. Forgo store bought salad dressings that are high in fat and additives by preparing your own nutrient-dense salsa yogurt dressing. *Recipe below.


*Salsa yogurt dressing


1 cup ripe tomato, diced

1 Tbsp. onion, diced

¼ tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. jalapeno, finely chopped

1 Tbsp. cilantro, chopped

1/4 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice

1 cup Greek yogurt

salad dressing


 Combine tomato, onion, garlic, jalapeno, cilantro, salt, and lime juice in a mixing bowl and toss well to mix. Allow to sit for 30 minutes. Mix ½ cup of the salsa with 1 cup of thick Greek yogurt. Serve drizzled over green salad.

Leave your nutrition tips in the comments section below.

[1] Health Canada. “What is a Food Guide Serving of Vegetables and Fruit?” Canada’s Food Guide. 2007. Web. 01 March 2015.

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Why Your Weight is a Matter of the Heart

weight and heart health


The heart wants what the heart wants – and despite the mixed signals you might be getting, that’s not actually another piece of cake. The research is in – losing that excess weight is one of the best ways to be good to your heart. Think about it; for every extra pound, your heart has to work a little bit harder to keep nutrient-rich blood flowing. Add to that the other possible benefits of better nutrition and getting in shape: balanced blood sugar, healthy cholesterol levels , and higher antioxidant intake to help fight free radicals. It all stacks up in favour of a healthier heart.

Eat Plants

From fibre to antioxidants, plants are full of all sorts of nutrients that promote both healthy weight loss and heart health. They also lack the things that can weight heavy on waistlines and hearts alike: saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar. More space on your plate for fruits, veggies, and legumes means less space for high fat, high sugar processed foods.

Calories In

It’s impossible to reduce good nutrition to a simple numbers game, but when the numbers are on your side, it’ll show on the scale. Watching your calories is an important factor in healthy weight loss. Now, that doesn’t mean deprivation – just balancing what you eat with what you burn, which brings us to our next point.


Not only is exercise one of the top factors in shedding weight, it’s one of the best things you can do for your heart. If you’re in good shape, your heart will be, too. Even a light walk every day will do your heart a world of good. Studies show that walking supports cardiovascular health and the benefits grow with the amount and intensity of the exercise.

Catch Some Z’s

Lack of sleep makes us more susceptible to stress. Stress can be a direct line to food cravings that will sabotage your weight loss goals. When it comes to optimal health – be it heart, weight, or anything else – hitting the pillow is as important as hitting the gym.

Be good to your heart, and your heart will be good to you. Like us on Facebook and Twitter for more tips and recipes to help you lose weight and be your healthiest self. We’d love to hear from you – how has losing weight benefitted your health?

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