3 Easily Overlooked Gym Machines That Are Amazing

3 Easily Overlooked Gym Machines That Are Amazing

Even for the most ardent gym goer, there are some pieces of equipment that remain a mystery. But it’s good to shake things up and try exercising outside your comfort zone every once in a while, so here are three amazing but often overlooked gym machines:

1. Rowing Machine

If you haven’t used a rowing machine, you’re in for a fun, new workout. A total body cardio machine, the average 185-pound adult can burn close to 400 calories in just 30 minutes on the rowing machine [1].

It’s important to focus on proper form when using the rowing machine. This YouTube video from WaterRower offers an excellent tutorial on how to properly and safely use the rowing machine.

The Benefits of Rowing

  • Rapidly burn calories
  • Easy on your joints and back
  • Total body workout

Typically placed by the treadmills, elliptical machines and bikes, the rowing machine is worth seeking out on your next visit to the gym.

Rope Pulling Machine2. Rope Pulling Machine

Rope pulling gives you all the functional benefits of climbing a rope without any of the risk!

Get ready for a fun, sweat inducing cardio and strength workout! This machine is so exhausting it’s likely you’ll only be able to last for 30 minutes on your first try. Start off with light resistance for the first 2 minutes on the machine, then slowly increase the resistance each minute until you can no longer pull the rope for the duration of 60 seconds.

The Benefits of Rope Pulling

  • Functional movement
  • Both cardiovascular and strength training
  • Increases grip strength

Most mainstream gyms have this awesome machine, with many smaller gyms starting to incorporate them as well.

Cable Crossover Machine3. Cable Crossover Machine

If you like variety, the cable crossover machine is for you!

With the right technique, this machine can work every muscle in your body, from the pectorals through to the obliques, and help build strength and definition.

The Benefits of the Cable Crossover Machine

  • You can do all your exercises on this machine – it’s a real time-saver!
  • A hybrid of free weights and machines
  • Works your core as it stabilizes you during the movements

You’ll find these machines either sitting on their own in a corner or by the upper/lower body machines.

If you’re unsure of how to properly use any of the above machines, make sure to ask the professionals at your gym for some training.


[1] Publications, Harvard Health. “Calories Burned in 30 Minutes for People of Three Different Weights.” Harvard Health. Harvard Medical School, 27 Jan. 2016. Web. 16 Feb. 2017.