4 Exercises You Should be Doing Right Now!


4 Exercises you Should be Doing Right Now!

You know that exercise helps you stay fit and maintain good health, but do you know which exercises are the best? If you’re looking to burn calories, get toned, or boost your overall health and fitness, these  4 exercises are top contenders:

1. Intervals

No matter how many calories your regular cardio session burns, you’ll burn more by incorporating intervals. This means working in periods of high intensity followed by periods of low intensity for recovery. Whether you’re running, swimming, rowing, or cycling, try a pattern of three minutes working at 90 %, followed by three minutes at a slow and easy pace. Repeat this pattern for approximately 20 minutes.

2. Yoga

Despite yoga’s gentle reputation, it provides serious toning benefits. When done regularly, following a series of yoga poses, such as Warrior, Plank, and Downward Facing Dog will help you strengthen multiple muscle groups while developing balance and flexibility.

3. Walking

Walking will improve your overall health by burning calories, toning muscles, boosting cardiovascular health, increasing bone density, improving mood, and more. In one hour, a 154 pound person can burn 460 calories walking at a pace of 7.2 km per hour [1].

4. Kegels

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles through regular sets of kegel exercises can make a big difference in avoiding incontinence as you age – for women and men. Although you won’t see benefits directly, maintaining a strong pelvic floor makes it easier to continue with your other exercises comfortably.
If you have trouble committing to an exercise regime, the best exercises for you are the ones you’ll stick with – that’s how you get results! And when you’re done, refuel with a French Vanilla PGX® Satisfast™ Whey Protein Drink.*

Which exercises give you the best results? Let us know in the comments section below.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®.


[1] National Institutes of Health (NIH). Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2006. Web. 24 June 2015.