5 Tips for Beating Social Overeating


Ahh, the holidays. A time for family, giving back, good cheer – and food. If you’ve got major alarm bells going off at that last one, fear not! Holiday indulgence doesn’t have to be a one-way ticket to winter weight gain.

Here’s how you can indulge in the spirit of the season (and yes, a little chocolate, too) without sacrificing your weight loss goals to social overeating:

1. Hit the Dance Floor.

Hanging out at the snack table all night is the best way to ensure you’ll absent-mindedly eat a whole bowl of creamy dip – and the chips to go with it. Instead, invite friends and family to let loose on the dance floor (bonus cardio included!).

2. Get Moving.

Whether you brave the elements for a winter run or take a sweaty aerobics class, morning exercise gets your day off on the right foot, and helps keep food cravings at bay. Invite friends to work out with you to take food out of the social experience.

3. Don’t Go Hungry.

Showing up with low blood sugar and a hankering for cheesecake is a recipe for disaster. Snacking on a healthy treat – like a PGX® Nut Butter Chocolate Smoothie* or PGX® Bliss Energy Balls – will help you with that elusive self-control when your host offers up yet another piece of fudge.

4. Come Prepared.

Know your in-laws have a thing for white flour and white sugar? Offer to bring something – then bring the healthiest, most satisfying dish you can, and stick to that!

5. Be Mindful.

Easier said than done, sure, but that second (third?) piece of cake isn’t truly nourishing. Savour every bite of a delicious holiday treat – you’ll enjoy it more, and eat less.

Plan ahead with PGX® for a gourmet-without-the-guilt holiday season – and most importantly, have fun!

*Note: Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX®. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX®


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The Eatery App & PGX

There’s an app for that! Change your eating habits for the better with help from PGX and The Eatery app.

Empower yourself with the tools you need to achieve your weight loss goals!

Now a days, there’s pretty much an app for everything. Whether it’s for Facebook, Twitter, or that awesome app that tells you the name of the song that’s playing on the radio, smart phones and their applications play a large part in how we socialize and spend our free time. So, why not start using one to help you lose weight!

Allow me to introduce (drum roll, please), The Eatery! Getting started is easy: Just take a picture of your food (don’t forget to sprinkle your PGX on top or into the mix!), rate your meal on how healthy it is, and record how much of your meal you ate. Then invite your friends to follow you for support, encouragement, or to strive for the same goals along side you. As The Eatery says, “You never have to eat alone.” Finally, The Eatery will provide you with feeback and stats on your eating habits, forcing you to see the facts on what you’ve been eating – this, maybe more than anything, will push you to eat healthier.

Why we like The Eatery:

It gives you a sense of community by allowing your friends to follow your progress, and vice versa. You can achieve your goals together, and have a buddy (or multiple!) to support and encourage you on your weight loss journey!

Have you used this app or something similar to help you achieve your weight loss goals? Let us know in the comments below.


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5 Ways to Spread Out Your Calories

Stay satisfied, eat healthy and lose weight by spreading your caloric intake throughout your day.

Although eating healthy, nutritious food is half the batltle with weight loss, sometimes one of the biggest challenges people face is figuring out portion and calorie control. With many of us, overeating may happen by accident: waiting too long before eating something and then ravenously consuming more than our body needs; or eating too fast in general.

So, we thought that we would put together a quick guide with 5 simple ways to help you spread your calories throughout your day, enabling you to intake less calories total and, ultimately, shed those pounds!

5 Ways to Spread Your Calories

  1. Have a good breakfast with adequate protein and fibre (if your breakfast is lacking fibre, sprinkle on some PGX!)
  2. Have a small healthy snack mid-morning
  3. Have a healthy lunch
  4. Have another healthy snack in the afternoon (a serving of plain yogurt with bran cereal, for example)
  5. Go head and “spoil your appetite”; eat a high volume, low calorie snack to reduce your appetite before your dinner

And don’t forget! When purchasing PGX Daily products, look for the ones with a BONUS pack of PGX Daily Singles!


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