Guilt-free dessert: Chocolate Chia Avocado Pudding


A rich, chocolate pudding full of nutritional goodness!

Avocado’s are an excellent source of healthy fats and a variety of additional nutrients and vitamins including potassium, fiber, and vitamins C, K, and B6.

And don’t underestimate the tiny chia seed! These seeds are packed with omega-3, calcium, magnesium, complete protein and fiber, just to name a few.

Prep time: 10-15 min
Serves: 2


  • 1 ripe avocado, pitted and peeled
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoons almond milk
  • 2 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup or stevia to taste


  1. Place the chia seeds and almond milk (or milk alternative) in a small dish. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes until the seeds form a gel consistency.
  2. Add the thickened chia seed milk mixture and the remaining ingredients into a small food processor.
  3. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  4. Serve immediately or store in the fridge for later.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter  for new recipes, health tips, and more!


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Guilt-Free: Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

In honour of February being Heart Health Month today’s guilt-free temptation comes from the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Indulge in chocolate with this healthy recipe!

All the chocolate fans raise your hands! WOW, that’s a lot of hands! Well, you don’t need to feel guilty about indulging in these bite-size brownies! This recipe uses applesauce to add moisture without any unwanted fat.

At only 81 calories per serving you can stick to your plan and indulge from time to time.

See the recipe from the Heart and Stroke Foundation!

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Have a Healthy Weekend PGX’ers!

Hey PGX’ers! It’s the weekend and we’re winding up with delicious links!

Check out these yummy ideas!

If you consider yourself a foodie and think you need to put that hobby to rest while you work towards your health goals, think again. Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to live on tasteless meals and water alone! Let me tell you a secret: healthy dishes can be mouthwateringly, drool-worthy, delicious treats! Don’t be afraid to indulge your taste buds every once in a while!

So to our foodie fans, this week’s wind up is for you! Check out these tasty links from around the web! Got a healthy recipe or food tip to share? Sound off in the comments or share with us on our Facebook page!

Enjoy and eat well beautiful people!

Do you cook with garlic? Guess what! There’s more to the garlic plant than the bulb. Why not Use Garlic Scapes in Your Cooking?

If you’re in the mood for a homemade iced latte but don’t want to water it down, here’s a great Iced Coffee Trick!

Sometimes you just need a Starbucks. Here’s a useful link for calorie-counting foodies: Starbucks Drinks Under 200 Calories.

I really want a Green Goddess Grilled Cheese Sandwich (pictured right). Don’t you?

Need a new idea for finger food? Try these Caprese Pops!

Click on this link because this sandwich looks like a really delicious and healthy way to start the day.

Saving the best for last: two Guilt-free Desserts from Steven and Chris!


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How to Make a Smoothie with PGX!

Build the Perfect Smoothie with PGX!

Read on and discover what goes into the blender!

This image says it all! When I make  smoothie, I always put in frozen berries, plain Greek yogurt, orange juice and PGX Daily Singles for fibre. But sometimes, I just want a different flavour! This infographic is full of options to pick from and will inspire a whole new smoothie, tailor made just for you!

Don’t forget to add PGX to that list of smoothie power boosts! Give your smoothie a fibre boost! Don’t know how much to add? Check out our post from the past, How Much PGX Should You Be Adding to Your Food, for more info!

Oh and one more thing! Right now you you can get a free BONUS pack of PGX Singles with purchase of PGX Daily in Canadian stores! Have a great Tuesday! Blend on, my friends.


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