PGX and Spaghetti Squash!

Try something new! How about spaghetti squash?

Ditch the simple carbs of pasta and get your veggies and fiber!

I love spaghetti. I love pasta. In fact I am a very happy camper when I have all sorts of simple carbs! Bread, cereal, toast, pasta, sweets…you name it! Unfortunately, having a smorgasbord of breads and pasta is really not the best idea for your health or waistline. Luckily I’ve got at least one very awesome alternative to pasta: Spaghetti Squash!

Putting on my infomercial voice: not only is it delicious and nutritious (details at Nutrition Data), it’s super easy to prepare! Here’s my method:

Cut the squash in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.

Place the halves, cut side up, in a large microwavable/oven safe container that has water in it.

Cover it with saran wrap and microwave until the squash is tender. This all depends on the strength of your microwave. It can take anywhere from sx to ten minutes.

When it’s finished cooking, scrape the squash with a fork and it will come apart in spaghetti-like strings.

There are an infinite number of ways to enjoy this squash. Prepare your favourite spaghetti sauce or try something new and mix.

Voila, it’s ready to eat!