Changing the Clocks and Your Children’s Health

With the change of the clocks, daylight fades earlier in the winter months. What does this mean for your children?

It is such a gorgeous sunny day outside as I write this, it’s seems hard to believe that in just a few hours, the sun will have set! Now that the clocks have been put back, our evenings come much earlier. What does this mean for your kids?

A recent study from UK researchers suggests that not changing the clocks would keep your children active by allowing them more outdoor play. What do you think?

BBC Health News reports on this interesting idea.


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Get the TIFF Red Carpet Physique

TIFF is on and the celebrities are out in full force, looking lean and toned.

PGX looks at how you can get those lean and toned limbs, celebrity style.

With the Toronto International Film Festival, or any Hollywood to-do that rolls out a carpet for that matter, comes the parade of svelte physiques, waiting to get their photographs taken! True, some of the stars could use some more meat on their bones but there are healthy looking, toned figures on the red carpet that are the result of good nutrition and exercise. On Wednesday, eTalk featured celebrity trainer Brent Bishop and he shared three easy moves that you can do at home to get those long lean limbs, flat abs and toned muscles!

These classic but tweaked exercises will help you reach your fitness goals. It won’t be long before those photographers are taking your photo and asking, “Who are you wearing?!”

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The Latest in Running Gear: Toe Shoes

PGX checks out the hot new trend for runners: running barefoot!

Runner or not, you’ll be intrigued: the latest running gear for those who enjoy almost barefoot running!

The no-shoes fitness trend is seems to be the “in” thing for runners. It’s a running style that’s grown in popularity thanks to evidence that it can reduce injuries and strengthen your feet. I know what you’re thinking: “Reduce injuries? If I run barefoot, I’ll probably cut my feet!” Good point. That’s exactly what I thought and that’s exactly what certain running shoe companies were thinking when they created the “minimalist” running shoe.

Hardcore “barefooters” will turn their noses up at the latest running gear trend: toe shoes. Remember those crazy toe socks where each toe had it’s own little sleeve? Well now you can get yourself some toe shoes! These shoes are the absolute bare minimum and act as more of a protective sleeve for your foot.Their essential feature is a tactile and flat bottom, lacking the elevated heel cushion typically found on running shoes. Now, people who like the idea of running barefoot but aren’t too keen on cutting their soles on a rock can wear these toe shoes!

Curious to know more or want a pair of these practically barefoot running shoes?  L.A. Times writer, Roy Wallack has got the details on the toe shoes out there.

Happy running everyone!

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Best and worst condiments for weight loss

Do you bathe certain foods in ketchup? Skip the butter but top your baked potato with a large dollop of sour cream? Certain condiments are diet-sabotagers in disguise. Learning to identify these calorie-filled culprits and replacing them with less-fattening toppers for your salads and sandwiches could save you from excess fat and calories.

Here are the worst condiments for a dieter:

Ketchup: One tablespoon of ketchup has a full teaspoon of sugar. Skip this one entirely if you?re watching your sugar intake.

Sour cream: This taco and baked potato-topper contains between 45-60 calories per tablespoon. To cut calories, go for guacamole (as long as it?s not made with mayo) or salsa instead. Salsa only contains between10-20 calories per serving.

Mayo: This staple in the American diet contains almost 200 calories and 20 grams of fat in just two tablespoons! To dress up your sandwich, use Dijon or honey mustard instead?they are much less fattening. If you?re not a fan of mustard, then swap out mayo for Miracle Whip. It contains about half the calories and no saturated fat.

Jellies and Jams: Most spreads list sugar as their main ingredient instead of real fruit. Look for sugar-free alternatives at the store (or check out this recipe we found for sugar-free strawberry jam). You could also top your toast with mashed up blueberries or raspberries instead.

Creamy salad dressings: Ranch, Thousand Island and Caesar are often hidden sources of mayo. Top your salads with red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar and a dash of heart-healthy extra-virgin olive oil instead.

Chip and vegetable dips: Most popular party dips are loaded with fat and calories. Replace the queso, spinach dip and French onion dip with hummus. It?s high in fiber but low in calories.

Small changes such as substituting fattening condiments with healthier options are what the PGX Program is all about. Sign up now and be on your way to a slimmer, healthier, happier you!

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