The Eatery App & PGX

There’s an app for that! Change your eating habits for the better with help from PGX and The Eatery app.

Empower yourself with the tools you need to achieve your weight loss goals!

Now a days, there’s pretty much an app for everything. Whether it’s for Facebook, Twitter, or that awesome app that tells you the name of the song that’s playing on the radio, smart phones and their applications play a large part in how we socialize and spend our free time. So, why not start using one to help you lose weight!

Allow me to introduce (drum roll, please), The Eatery! Getting started is easy: Just take a picture of your food (don’t forget to sprinkle your PGX on top or into the mix!), rate your meal on how healthy it is, and record how much of your meal you ate. Then invite your friends to follow you for support, encouragement, or to strive for the same goals along side you. As The Eatery says, “You never have to eat alone.” Finally, The Eatery will provide you with feeback and stats on your eating habits, forcing you to see the facts on what you’ve been eating – this, maybe more than anything, will push you to eat healthier.

Why we like The Eatery:

It gives you a sense of community by allowing your friends to follow your progress, and vice versa. You can achieve your goals together, and have a buddy (or multiple!) to support and encourage you on your weight loss journey!

Have you used this app or something similar to help you achieve your weight loss goals? Let us know in the comments below.


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Healthy Snacking on the Go!

Hey PGX’ers! It’s Tasty Tuesday and we’re snacking smartly on the go!

Keep it healthy even when you have no time to plan…

We’ve all been there before: you’re running around doing errands, you’re at the airport waiting for your next flight, you’re at a rest stop, or you’re at the movies, and then your stomach begins to talk. What do you do when you’ve forgotten to pack a snack and there’s no way you’ll make it to your next meal without a bite of something to tide you over? What do you buy when you feel the need to munch on something at the cinema?

It’s simple to write a strict diet plan, but it’s another thing entirely to follow it to perfection. This is where a little bit of knowledge can go a long way in helping you reach your goals and avoid sabotaging your efforts to live a healthy life. If you are at the movies, a gas station, the mall, in front of a vending machine, or other such fast food stops, knowing what to avoid will help you maintain healthy eating habits.

Learn the best picks, good options and the worst picks for snacking from Real Simple’s Make Nutritious Snacking Choices on the Go!


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Weight Wise Wednesday: Hidden Calories in Salads

This Weight Wise Wednesday, we’re sharing some salad know-how!

Are hidden calories in your salad sabotaging your healthy diet?

Here on Weight Wise Wednesday we have a look at where the hidden calories sneak their way in and what are some healthy alternatives to include in your salad.

Salad Ingredients to Try to Avoid:

  • Croutons, tortilla chips and large amounts of cheese (a touch of cheese is better)
  • Processed meats: deli meat, fried chicken, and beef.
  • Creamy or sugar filled salad dressings. The average Caesar salad dressing contains 150 calories in 2 tablespoons and 15 grams of fat*.

?Healthy Alternative Ingredients to Include in Your Salad:

  • Boiled eggs (contains protein and Omega 3’s)
  • Fresh vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, onions)
  • Black beans and garbanzo beans – chickpeas (high in fiber)
  • Lean protein (baked chicken, turkey and salmon)
  • Edamame beans (high in protein, iron and fiber)
  • Balsamic dressing – see our easy recipe below.

?Balsamic Olive Oil Dressing

  • 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • 4 tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar
  • Pinch of Sea Salt and Pepper
  • Pinch of Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Dijon mustard (or to personal taste)

Shake in bottle and store leftover dressing in the fridge.

Easy way to add a few more healthy benefits:

  • Chia Seeds (Omega 3’s)
  • PGX Singles (sprinkler over the salad – helps control hunger and control blood sugar levels)
  • Flax Seeds or Flax Oil (high in Omega 3’s and Fiber)

What are your favourite ingredients to include in your salad? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook Page. Join our healthy salad conversation.


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400 Calories in the Stomach

Make smart choices at meal times. Fill up on the good stuff!

How much space does 400 calories occupy in the stomach?

I truly dislike the thought of dieting. But with a looming deadline to fit into a costume that doesn’t quite zip up all the way for a performance, I really have no choice but to make a conscious effort to change my eating habits.

What is it about diets that have people dreading them? Hunger? Cravings? Guess what?! You don’t need to feel hungry when you are making the change for a healthier lifestyle. And if you aren’t feeling hungry, you will most likely have fewer cravings as well! There is no need to fear healthy eating! All we need to do is learn how to make smart choices. If we look for low calorie but dense foods full of nutrients and fibre (think low-GI foods), we’ll definitely be better off! Take a look at what 400 calories of various foods look like in the stomach!

Add PGX to your food and the fibre will help you feel full and you won’t feel the “diet hunger and cravings.” Right now you you can get a free BONUS pack of PGX Singles with purchase of PGX Daily in Canadian stores! Stay healthy everyone; make smart food choices and be sure to get your daily dose of fibre!

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Friday Fitness Trend: Ugi Fit

Today’s PGX Friday Fitness Trend is: Ugi Fitness!

Need to workout but don’t have time? This is the fitness trend for you…

Pronounced “you-gee,” Vancouver-based trainer, Sara Shears developed a workout formula that combines strength, cardio and core training into a sequence of 30 exercises. It’s a short, rigourous workout of different exercises performed in one minute intervals that, combined with balanced eating and your daily fiber, can produce amazing results.

A 30 minute workout with only one piece of equipment? Sign me up!

And that’s what Ugi Fit is: a 30 minute workout with only one piece of equipment and it’s making waves in the fitness communities.

So what is this essential piece of equipment? The Ugi ball. Sara Shears and her design partner, Melanie Finkelman, designed this squishy non-intimidating ball that you can stand on, kneel on, sit on, plank on, toss to a friend, or even use as a weight. It’s got the squish of a beanbag and the resistance and bounce-back of a stress ball all in one simple design.

One of the positive features of this fitness trend is that you aren’t limited to working out in a gym or in your living room. Only 15 inches in diameter, the Ugi ball is easy to store or to bring to an outdoor workout at the beach! Not only is the location of this workout flexible, the length and frequency is just as easy to adjust to your busy schedule. Got only 15 minutes? Cut down the intervals to 30 seconds each. Maybe you prefer a longer workout only hree times a week. You can turn your Ugi Fit workout into an hour by repeating your sequence of exercises.

Why Ugi? Because it’s time to be you. “Ugi. U got it. Show it off.” Visit the Ugi Fit website to learn more.

Remember everyone: eat healthy, get your fiber, stay fit and do it all for you.

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5 Ways to Spread Out Your Calories

Stay satisfied, eat healthy and lose weight by spreading your caloric intake throughout your day.

Although eating healthy, nutritious food is half the batltle with weight loss, sometimes one of the biggest challenges people face is figuring out portion and calorie control. With many of us, overeating may happen by accident: waiting too long before eating something and then ravenously consuming more than our body needs; or eating too fast in general.

So, we thought that we would put together a quick guide with 5 simple ways to help you spread your calories throughout your day, enabling you to intake less calories total and, ultimately, shed those pounds!

5 Ways to Spread Your Calories

  1. Have a good breakfast with adequate protein and fibre (if your breakfast is lacking fibre, sprinkle on some PGX!)
  2. Have a small healthy snack mid-morning
  3. Have a healthy lunch
  4. Have another healthy snack in the afternoon (a serving of plain yogurt with bran cereal, for example)
  5. Go head and “spoil your appetite”; eat a high volume, low calorie snack to reduce your appetite before your dinner

And don’t forget! When purchasing PGX Daily products, look for the ones with a BONUS pack of PGX Daily Singles!


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PGX and Spaghetti Squash!

Try something new! How about spaghetti squash?

Ditch the simple carbs of pasta and get your veggies and fiber!

I love spaghetti. I love pasta. In fact I am a very happy camper when I have all sorts of simple carbs! Bread, cereal, toast, pasta, sweets…you name it! Unfortunately, having a smorgasbord of breads and pasta is really not the best idea for your health or waistline. Luckily I’ve got at least one very awesome alternative to pasta: Spaghetti Squash!

Putting on my infomercial voice: not only is it delicious and nutritious (details at Nutrition Data), it’s super easy to prepare! Here’s my method:

Cut the squash in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.

Place the halves, cut side up, in a large microwavable/oven safe container that has water in it.

Cover it with saran wrap and microwave until the squash is tender. This all depends on the strength of your microwave. It can take anywhere from sx to ten minutes.

When it’s finished cooking, scrape the squash with a fork and it will come apart in spaghetti-like strings.

There are an infinite number of ways to enjoy this squash. Prepare your favourite spaghetti sauce or try something new and mix.

Voila, it’s ready to eat!


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PGX & Red Carpet Fitness!

Want the secrets to looking red carpet ready?

Learn how you can get that red carpet glam from the celebrity fitness experts!

So did you watch the Oscars last week and think: how on earth do these celebrities get in such good shape that they look fabulous in those figure-hugging gowns and those svelte, slim-fit suits?! You’ll be happy to hear that their red carpet glam is not out of your reach. With a little perseverance, positivity and a place to start, you and I can definitely get that red carpet celebrity look!

So where to begin? Check out what celerities trainers are saying!

Allure Magazine talked to Harley Pasternak (trainer to stars such a Natalie Portman, Megan Fox and Orlando Bloom) and revealed his slim-down secrets.

Want more red carpet tips? Fitness expert Rick Miller dished out his top 5 tips and recommended exercises to get into Oscar shape!

Remember to supplement any exercise plan with good nutrition and keep up with your daily fiber!


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Tasty Tuesday : Overnight Oats for Breakfast

When it’s hot and humid outside, who really wants to cook?

Here’s a breakfast recipe that I rely on that is super easy and requires NO cooking. Summer is here and I’m melting during the nights and the last thing I really want to do is cook when I get up. Thinking about even pulling out a frying pan makes me want to run for the pool. You can whip these ingredients all together the night before and it sets overnight. The crisp and cold oats are ready and waiting for you to eat in morning.

What is also great about this recipe is you can customize it in so many ways. Add in different fresh fruit each morning and it’s a whole different breakfast meal! I like to make it into a breakfast parfait. I layer the overnight oats with fresh fruit and honey drizzled on top. My favourite tip I’ve learned is to add PGX singles. This helps me feel full long into the morning. Make sure to add the PGX into the oats right before you are going to eat them. I’ve heard others are using the PGX Satisfast (Protein Powder) in the oats just like the PGX singles I added. This gives them an extra dose of protein in their meal. Perfect for building those strong muscles and keeping you full longer! I think I’m going to try the Chocolate PGX Satisfast in my next batch.

Recipe Source: Oh She Glows

Classic Overnight Oats

Ingredients (1 serving)

?1/3 cup regular oats

?1 cup almond milk, and more if needed

?1-2 tablespoons chia seeds

?1 ripe banana, peeled and smashed

?1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


Mix together all ingredients in a bowl and place in fridge overnight. In the morning, add your desired toppings and serve without heating!

Let us know how you create your breakfast meal with overnight oats in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.


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How to Make a Smoothie with PGX!

Build the Perfect Smoothie with PGX!

Read on and discover what goes into the blender!

This image says it all! When I make  smoothie, I always put in frozen berries, plain Greek yogurt, orange juice and PGX Daily Singles for fibre. But sometimes, I just want a different flavour! This infographic is full of options to pick from and will inspire a whole new smoothie, tailor made just for you!

Don’t forget to add PGX to that list of smoothie power boosts! Give your smoothie a fibre boost! Don’t know how much to add? Check out our post from the past, How Much PGX Should You Be Adding to Your Food, for more info!

Oh and one more thing! Right now you you can get a free BONUS pack of PGX Singles with purchase of PGX Daily in Canadian stores! Have a great Tuesday! Blend on, my friends.


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