Riding the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster


Who among us hasn’t been tempted by the promise of easy weight loss? Claims of “fat that melts away” or “a magical change in metabolism” might sound like dreams come true, but that’s just what they are – dreams. If you’re struggling with weight loss and maintaining blood sugar balance, the allure of these empty promises is even stronger.

Reality – and weight loss – isn’t quite so simple.

Before you can shed those pounds, you have to get off the blood sugar roller coaster. Like the ride at your county fair, the blood sugar roller coaster is full of ups and downs – all day long. Racing from sugar high to major crash and back, this is one roller coaster you’re better off avoiding.

Even with the best intentions to eat well, how could you resist such cravings? Getting off the blood sugar roller coaster is key to curbing cravings that kill your weight loss goals.

These tips will help you stay on steady ground:

  • Reduce your portion sizes and calorie intake.
  • Think protein before carbs every time you eat.
  • Have a small snack – with protein – every 2-3 hours, all day long.
  • Eat three meals a day and include PGX with each of them.

PGX can help lower the glycemic index of foods and greatly assist you in managing hunger pangs*. Try it in a recipe or two and let us know if it crushes your cravings!

*Note: Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.

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What Are the Benefits of Protein Shakes After a Workout?



I can tell you, without a doubt, that after cycling 139 miles (210km) in a day, a protein shake is a great idea. If you’re not cycling across Canada for charity though, are there really any benefits to including a protein shake in your daily regime? Can a protein shake after a workout help you build muscle, lose weight, or decrease muscle soreness? Could your choice of protein shake actually undo some of the good work you just put in at the gym?

Why You Need Protein

Protein is the main component of muscles, and is essential for the production of hormones, enzymes, immune system cells and even neurotransmitters. Protein is created by the body from amino acids and, although we can synthesise some of these amino acids, essential amino acids have to be acquired through the diet.

Without adequate protein we would be in real trouble, and protein shakes are certainly convenient for use after a workout as they provide quick nutrition and hydration to help with muscle growth and repair.

Why Take Protein After a Workout?

Post-workout, too little protein can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue, rather than increased strength and stamina. Taking protein in the first 30 minutes or so after a workout can, however, help the body to begin quickly healing the micro-tears in the muscle, a process which makes muscles stronger over time.

The amino acids in a protein shake tend to reach the bloodstream and then the muscles a lot faster than protein bound in food, which is just one reason why protein shakes have become so popular with athletes and gym-goers.

Can I Take Protein at Bedtime?

Protein shakes can also be helpful as a drink before bedtime as some of the amino acids in these drinks are thought to help increase natural levels of growth hormone and thereby help with healing and repair as we sleep, as well as helping to maintain healthy metabolism and bodyweight.

Protein Shakes for Weight Management

Drinking just any old protein shake isn’t going to help with weight loss. In order for that to happen, you need to be exercising those muscles, reducing overall calorie intake and avoiding simple carbohydrates. Unfortunately, some protein shakes contain artificial sweeteners and/or sugars that can sabotage blood glucose control and actually lead to weight gain while increasing muscle soreness and inflammation.

Protein shakes designed to help with weight management include those containing soluble fibre, like PolyGlycopleX (PGX). This helps satisfy hunger and decrease appetite, and slows the release of energy from food, thereby supporting healthy blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity, two key elements for successful weight management[i][ii].

The Benefits of PGX Protein Shakes

Adding PGX singles or powder into your favourite protein drink, or using the convenient PGX protein shakes, is an ideal way to ensure you’re getting the protein you need after a workout. A PGX protein shake is also great for when you’re eating breakfast on the go between the gym and work as this can help maintain stable blood glucose throughout the morning and keep cravings at bay until it’s time for lunch.

Protein shakes aren’t a replacement for a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle, but can be a great way to ensure adequate protein intake as part of a balanced diet that include nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

In addition to being great after a workout, protein shakes are also idea for meeting nutrition needs if you are:

  • A growing teenager!
  • Starting to work out for the first time
  • Increasing the intensity of your workouts
  • Recovering from an injury or illness
  • Making dietary changes that could compromise protein status (such as switching to a vegan diet)
  • Looking to reduce overall calorie intake as part of a healthy weight management program
  • Doing a ludicrously long charity bike-ride!

What’s your best post-workout tip? Do you have a fantastic recipe for a super-powered protein shake? Let us know in the comments below!


[i] Kacinik, V., Lyon, M., Purnama, M., Reimer, R.A., Gahler, R., Green, T.J., Wood, S. (2011). Effect of PGX®, a novel functional fibre supplement, on subjective ratings of appetite in overweight and obese women consuming a three-day structured, low calorie diet. Nutr Diabetes, 1:e22. doi: 10./038/nutd.2011.18.

[ii] Reichert, R.G., Reimer, R.A., Kacinik, V., Pal, S., Gahler, R.J., Wood, S. (2013). Meal replacements and fibre supplement as a strategy for weight loss. Proprietary PGX meal replacement and PGX fibre supplement in addition to a calorie restricted diet to achieve weight loss in a clinical setting. Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev.

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Exercise & Heart #Health

How exercise can help support your heart health.

This February, we are focusing on Heart Month in more ways than one: with healthy eating (read our latest Heart Health Tasty Tuesday recipe) and healthy habits, such as exercising regularly.

We all know that being active is a part of a healthy lifestyle. But did you know that regular aerobic exercise can strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system and improve heart failure symptoms?

Aerobic exercise can be as simple as taking a 30 minute walk or jog, or as complex as hitting the gym and engaging in multiple exercises, such as jumping rope, using the stationary bike and the rowing machine. No matter which exercises you decide to do, however, it’s important that you commit to doing them at least three times a week in order to reap the maximum health benefits.

If you’re just getting started, try taking your dog for a walk or ask a friend to go on a leisurely bike ride with you. It’s best to begin slowly and increase the level of difficultly and the length of the exercise as you go along; this will prevent feelings of frustration and you’ll be more likely to stick with your new routine!

PGX Tip: Try fuelling up with a PGX protein shake before you begin your exercise.


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How to Keep Your Resolutions Alive

Checking in on your New Year’s Resolutions.

Tomorrow marks the end of January and we want to take a moment to check in with all you PGX’ers and see how your New Year’s Resolutions are coming along.

If you’ve found yourself falling behind, don’t panic! We have some tips on how you can get back on track.

3 Tips to Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Alive:

  • Be specific – Setting goals is a great start but broad, general resolutions, such as “get healthy,” most likely won’t get you very far. Try to be specific with your goals, such as “I will eat one piece of fruit with breakfast and lunch, cut out my afternoon latte and go to the gym every day after work.”
  • Ease your way into it – Trying to quite bad habits and pick up good ones cold turkey will only set you up for failure. Try giving up your vices gradually. For example, if you want to cut down on your daily two trips to Starbucks, instead of attempting to not go at all, try cutting your trips down by half for one month. Then the next month, cut it down even further, etc.
  • Share you goals – Tell your friends and family about the goals you’ve made and ask them to help keep you accountable. Better yet, pick a resolution buddy and make your goals together. It’s always easier to achieve your goals with support!

Let us know how your goals are coming along in the comments below. And if you have any other tips, we’d love to hear them!


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