How to Strengthen Your Upper and Lower Back

How to Strengthen Your Upper and Lower Back

Core strength is a hot topic these days. But what about upper and lower back strength?

Why Back Strength Matters

You use your back for everyday movements, like picking something up off of the ground or pushing and pulling a vacuum. Your back muscles support your spine, and a weak back can lead to muscle imbalances and injury.

Your back is made up of three different muscle groups: the superficial layer, intermediate layer, and deep layer. With many back muscles layering on top of one another, it’s important to focus your workouts on each part of your back to ensure you are strengthening your back as a whole.

Here are some great exercises for strengthening your upper and lower back:

Upper/Mid-Back Exercises

Seated Back Row
Find a low pulley row machine with either a V-bar or rope. Sit down with your knees bent, feet on the front resting platform, and back straight. Make sure you are comfortable. Pull the bar or rope towards you, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Ensure that your back is straight the entire time.

Watch this video by Women’s Strength Nation for a step-by-step on how to do this exercise:


Wide Grip Pull Ups

Wide grip pull ups focus primarily on your lats. Your grip will be about two times the length of your shoulders. A couple of tips on pull ups, keep your body straight and avoid swinging your body, you can cross your feet or bend your knees to steady yourself.

Watch this video from LSW Health on how to execute the wide grip pull up properly.

Pull ups are easy to modify, you can purchase a band that can assist your body weight. You can also use a pull up assisted machine (which is made to assist you in pull ups), or perform negative pull ups to start. A negative pull up means that you slowly lower yourself down, the exact opposite of a normal pull up.

Lower Back Exercises

Back Extensions

Back extensions are a great exercise for strengthening your lower back. You don’t need to add on weight (by holding a weighted plate), but if you want the added challenge, you can. Find a hyperextension machine at your gym, lock your legs in firmly and cross your hands over your chest. Slowly, lower your upper body down towards the ground and up again.

Find a hyperextension machine at your gym, lock your legs in firmly and cross your hands over your chest. Slowly lower your upper body down towards the ground and up again.

Watch this video from LIVESTRONG on how to execute back extensions:

These are great, easy to execute exercises that will help you to strengthen your upper and lower back!

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Warm up Your Winter with Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats

During the winter months, you may start to crave for sunnier days. Incorporating an assortment of fruit into your diet is a great way to bring a little sunshine into your day, and this overnight oats dish is the perfect vehicle for any fruit!

Health Benefits of Oats

  • Oats contain a specific fibre called beta-glucan that can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range [1]
  • They are good sources of manganese, vitamin B, zinc, and protein
  • Certain oats can last for years in your pantry

Overnight Oats RecipeOvernight Oats with Fruit

This overnight oats recipe is a quick and healthy dish guaranteed to become one of your go-to, healthy snacks! This recipe takes only minutes to prepare, is free of leading allergens such as gluten, dairy, soy and peanuts, and pairs well with any fruit!


  • 1 banana
  • ¾ cup gluten-free oats
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 cup almond or coconut milk
  • A dash of vanilla
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon
  • An assortment of sliced fruit (strawberries and blueberries are a great option!)


  1. In a dish with a sealable lid, mash one banana.
  2. Add chia seeds, oats, almond milk, vanilla, and cinnamon to the dish.
  3. Mix together and let the dish sit covered in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Stir mixture and spoon into bowl with your choice of sliced fruit!


[1] “Oats.” Oats. The World’s Healthiest Foods, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.

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3 Easily Overlooked Gym Machines That Are Amazing

3 Easily Overlooked Gym Machines That Are Amazing

Even for the most ardent gym goer, there are some pieces of equipment that remain a mystery. But it’s good to shake things up and try exercising outside your comfort zone every once in a while, so here are three amazing but often overlooked gym machines:

1. Rowing Machine

If you haven’t used a rowing machine, you’re in for a fun, new workout. A total body cardio machine, the average 185-pound adult can burn close to 400 calories in just 30 minutes on the rowing machine [1].

It’s important to focus on proper form when using the rowing machine. This YouTube video from WaterRower offers an excellent tutorial on how to properly and safely use the rowing machine.

The Benefits of Rowing

  • Rapidly burn calories
  • Easy on your joints and back
  • Total body workout

Typically placed by the treadmills, elliptical machines and bikes, the rowing machine is worth seeking out on your next visit to the gym.

Rope Pulling Machine2. Rope Pulling Machine

Rope pulling gives you all the functional benefits of climbing a rope without any of the risk!

Get ready for a fun, sweat inducing cardio and strength workout! This machine is so exhausting it’s likely you’ll only be able to last for 30 minutes on your first try. Start off with light resistance for the first 2 minutes on the machine, then slowly increase the resistance each minute until you can no longer pull the rope for the duration of 60 seconds.

The Benefits of Rope Pulling

  • Functional movement
  • Both cardiovascular and strength training
  • Increases grip strength

Most mainstream gyms have this awesome machine, with many smaller gyms starting to incorporate them as well.

Cable Crossover Machine3. Cable Crossover Machine

If you like variety, the cable crossover machine is for you!

With the right technique, this machine can work every muscle in your body, from the pectorals through to the obliques, and help build strength and definition.

The Benefits of the Cable Crossover Machine

  • You can do all your exercises on this machine – it’s a real time-saver!
  • A hybrid of free weights and machines
  • Works your core as it stabilizes you during the movements

You’ll find these machines either sitting on their own in a corner or by the upper/lower body machines.

If you’re unsure of how to properly use any of the above machines, make sure to ask the professionals at your gym for some training.


[1] Publications, Harvard Health. “Calories Burned in 30 Minutes for People of Three Different Weights.” Harvard Health. Harvard Medical School, 27 Jan. 2016. Web. 16 Feb. 2017.

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The 5 Worst Things You Can Do Post-Workout

The 5 Worst Things You Can Do Post-Workout

There’s nothing quite like hitting your fitness routine stride. The momentum is amazing, but it’s important to keep in mind how easily we can sabotage our progress without meaning to.

You’re done your workout, and you feel great. But now what? It’s important to remember that what you do after your workout can impact the lasting effects and progress of your exercise. Along with some healthy alternatives, here are the five worst things you can do post-workout:

1. Eat Unhealthy Foods

After a hard workout, your body is going to need to refuel. You’ve just burned calories, so you’re going to be hungry. As such, you may start to feel cravings for foods that your body doesn’t need, such as french fries, burgers, or chicken wings.

Instead of giving in to your cravings, focus on everything you’ve just accomplished and seek out a healthy and satisfying way to feed your hunger. Some great post-workout foods that are quick to make, healthy, and filling are:

  • Fruit salad with a side of greek yogourt
  • Salad with lots of fresh veggies with a helping of protein (chicken, tofu, beans, hard-boiled egg)
  • A smoothie with a scoop of protein powder
  • Sandwich on whole grain or gluten-free bread, complete with fresh toppings
  • A brown rice burrito bowl

Consume Alcohol2. Consume Alcohol

After your workout, a friend rings you up to see if you want to meet up for a drink. How will alcohol affect your workout?

Put plainly and simply, alcohol contains a lot of calories and it’s an easy way to sabotage the workout you just shed sweat for. Also, alcohol has been linked to how your body stores glycogen, and it can cause you to feel fatigued quicker during your next cardio workout, especially if you consume more than a drink or two.

There’s no need to forego meeting up with your friends, though! Swap out your usual alcoholic beverage for a refreshing soda water with lemon instead. Your body will thank you for the extra hydration.

3. Skip Your Cool Down

Cooling down after a workout helps your breathing and heart rate return to resting levels at a gradual pace. It also helps ensure that you don’t suffer from dizziness or fainting due to blood pooling in the muscle areas. You may be in a hurry to head out the door after hitting it hard at the gym, but always take the time to engage in a proper cool-down.

Forget to Hydrate4. Forget to Hydrate

When you’re exercising at the gym, you are perspiring which depletes your water storage. The only way to get it back is to hydrate during and after your workout. You may not feel thirsty, but make hydrating a regular part of your exercise routine.

Drinks that help with rehydrate the body include:

  • Water
  • Coconut Water
  • Smoothies

It’s also helpful to eat fruit and veggies that are hydrating such as watermelons, cucumbers, lettuce, and oranges.

5. Not Get Enough Sleep

If you’re tired when exercising, you are putting yourself at risk for injury. Getting adequate sleep has also been linked to eating habits. If you’re sleep deprived, it’s a lot easier to make unhealthy food choices, drink too much caffeine, and give in to a lack of energy.

If you give your body the rest that it needs, you’ll feel awake, rested, and ready to tackle the day’s work out!

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3 Simple Moves for an Effective At-Home Workout

3 Simple Moves for an Effective At-Home Workout

Stepping outside the gym and working out at home can be a reinvigorating way to shake up your fitness routine. It can also be an easy solution for those struggling to find the time to get outside the house for their daily dose of exercise.

For an effective at-home workout, all you need are some free weights, a couple of resistance bands, a medicine/stability ball, and you’re set! Here are my top three moves for an amazing at-home workout:

1. Tricep Dips Utilizing Coffee Table

Your tricep muscle is the muscle on the back of your arm closest to your shoulder. You can assist your tricep dips by putting more pressure on your feet, therefore decreasing the weight bearing on your arms.

Start with your hands shoulder width apart, while sitting on the edge of the coffee table. Your legs should be bent at 90 degree angles. Slide off the table, keeping your back against the table as you lower yourself down and push your way back up. Complete three sets of 12-15 reps.

This video by LIVESTRONG  show how to perform proper tricep dips.

2. Band Pull Aparts

Resistance bands are an easy and cost-effective way to spice up your workout. They are also easy to store, allow you to do a full body workout, and are easy to travel with.

Start in a standing position, legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Grasp the resistance band a little wider than shoulder width and raise your arms till they are in line with your body. You’ll feel resistance as you pull the band apart. Practice 3 sets of 12–15 reps.

To make this exercise harder, hold the band less than shoulder width apart or double up on bands.

3. Chest Press on Stability Ball

This exercise uses a stability ball and two dumbbells. A stability ball is a great addition to your workout, as your core and legs will need to work harder to maintain your balance.

Sitting on the stability ball, holding two dumbbells. Slowly walk your way out until you are lying on the stability ball, with your upper/mid back resting comfortably. Ensure your neck is being supported on the ball as well. Keep your glutes contracted and your body as straight as possible as you push the dumbbells up and above your chest into a press. Slowly, bring your arms back to the starting point, and then repeat. Go through 3 sets of 8–12 reps.

This video by Jillian Michaels demonstrates how to perform this exercise properly.

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Why You Need to Give Jumping Rope a Try

Why You Need to Give Jumping Rope a TryIf you’re looking for a fun way to boost your cardio and get your heart beating, look no further than jump roping! This exercise, known as play in our childhood, is wildly overlooked as an amazing form of fitness. And, adding jump rope into your fitness routine will cost you less than $20!

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to jump in!

Choosing the Right Jump Rope

Here are a few tips to select the jump rope that’s right for you:

  • Novice jump roper? Aim for a rope that is slightly heavier, like a beaded rope.
  • Avid jump roper? Pick a coated rope with light-weight handles.
  • For extra upper body resistance, select a rope with weighted handles.
  • Stand on the rope and make sure the handles reach all the way to your under arms. This ensures the rope is long enough for you to jump comfortably with.

3 Awesome Benefits of Jumping Rope

1. A Workout for Arms, Legs, and Your Upper Body

Jumping rope tones and tightens both your arms and legs, andtThe circular motion your arms go through the entire time you are jumping is great for your upper body.

2. Burns a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time

Jumping rope is an aerobic workout that burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time.It’s unlikely you will be able to jump rope for longer than 15 minutes. As a general understanding, jumping rope for 5 minutes straight can be the equivalent of running over 3 miles, which is fantastic as it’s unlikely you’d be able to jump for more than 15 minutes.

3. Perfect for Travelling

A jump rope is perfect for travelling! It’s lightweight, can fit into any luggage compartment, and you can find somewhere to jump almost anywhere.

2 Different Jump Rope Styles to Try

There are a lot of other ways to jazz up your jump rope routine. Here are a two of my favourite ways to jump rope:

The Normal Way1. The “Normal” Way

This way is exactly what you think of when jumping rope comes to mind. You stay in one place, feet together, jumping up and down. Some people prefer to interchange their legs instead of jumping with their feet together.

In the beginning, you’ll notice your heart rate will skyrocket as you jump. As your body gets used to the movement, you’ll notice that your heart rate won’t spike as high and will fall back to normal quicker during rest periods.

Jumping and Moving2. Jumping and Moving

Who says that you need to stay in one spot while jumping rope? A fun way to spice things up is to move forward while jumping. Start in one spot, then with interchanging feet instead of jumping up – jump forward! You can move 5–10 hops forward on the same foot, then turn around and hop back on the opposite foot.

You can also try variations of hops like side-to-side hops and front-to-back hops.

Monitoring Your Heart Rate

As noted above, jumping rope is a highly aerobic exercise. As such, it’s a good idea to keep track of your heart rate during this exercise. Here’s how:

Take 220 minus your age to determine your maximum heart rate. Take your pulse for 6 seconds and tack on a “0”. That is a general guideline for your heart rate at that moment. For example, if you take your pulse after jumping rope for 1 minute and it is 18, adding on a zero would be 180.

For more information on your heart rate and general age guidelines, HealthLinkBC has a great interactive tool.

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How to Avoid the Dreaded Winter Workout Slump

How to Avoid the Dreaded Winter Workout Slump

It can be hard to gear ourselves up to work out in the Winter. As the colder, shorter days begin, we cozy down, and the inspiration to get outside or head to the gym can dwindle. Before we know it, we often find ourselves in the midst of a winter workout slump.

Here’s a three-step plan to help you avoid the dreaded Winter workout slump:

Set Yourself a Goal1. Set Yourself a Goal

When it comes to motivation, setting goals can help keep you on track. The trick to achieving your goals is to set ones that are realistic and attainable.

Some examples of great starter goals are:

  • A complete workout for an hour every other day
  • Move your body for at least 30 minutes every day
  • Get up an hour early to get a workout in before the day starts (this is a great goal for people who know they are hard to motivate after work)

Here’s a trick to help ensure you keep working toward your goal once you’ve set it – post it everywhere! Write it on your bathroom mirror with a dry-erase pen. Write it on a piece of paper and tape it to your refrigerator. Set a daily reminder in your phone. This way, the goal you’re working toward will be right in front of you, every day, motivating you to stick to it.

There are many simple ways to help keep yourself motivated as you work toward achieving your goal. You may have to cycle through a few of them until you find the one that’s the perfect method for you. Here are some different forms you can try:

Make Yourself a Visual Reminder

Many people need to see themselves actually working toward their goal. A simple and effective way to do this is to get a calendar (the old fashion paper kind!) and mark every single day that you stick to your goal.

Reward Yourself

If you have something tangible to work toward – like a new pair of shoes, or a fancy dinner out – it can often be easier to keep yourself focused, as you may feel you’ll have something to physically show for your efforts. This is a great tool for people who have trouble feeling motived by goals they can’t touch or feel.

Find an Accountability Partner

Having someone who holds up accountable to our goals is almost always helpful. Find someone you can trust to periodically check in on your progress, and gently nudge you if you’re getting off track. Even better if you can reciprocate the favour and be their accountability partner too!

Try New Indoor Activities2.Try New Indoor Activites

It’s not hard to understand why people don’t love to workout in the cold. But one of the overlooked benefits of winter is the ability to workout indoors and not feel like you’re missing out on a beautiful, warm, and sunny day. It’s the perfect time to try that spin class!

Here are some fun indoor activities:

  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Spin
  • Zumba

Track Your Progress3. Track Your Progress

Motivation tends to come easily when you start seeing results. Now that you’re holding yourself accountable, and trying new activities, it’s time to start tracking your progress.

Keep in mind that it takes time to see changes in your body, but if you’re sticking to your goals, after four weeks you should begin to feel some changes. After eight weeks, people close to you, who see you often, are bound to start making comments on how great you look! But, most importantly – you will be feeling amazing, awake, and full of energy, even in the middle of winter!

Don’t let the winter slump suck you in! Stick to these tips and keep on moving throughout the cold months.

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5 Foods to Help You Feel Full and Satisfied

5 Foods to Help You Feel Full and Satisfied

Does your breakfast, mid-day snack, or dinner leave you feeling hungry a short time after eating it? Incorporating foods to help you feel full into your meals and snacks throughout the day will help with that!

Fibre and Fullness

Foods high in fibre take a longer time to digest, thus making you feel full for longer. Pairing high fibre foods together during meals will help keep your cravings at bay and allow you to go longer periods of time without feeling that gnawing of hunger.

The following are the daily recommended intakes of fibre for men and women [1]:

  • Women 18–50 years old, 25 g
  • Women 50+ years old, 21 g
  • Men 18–50 years old, 30–38 g per day

Here are five simple and delicious foods to help you feel full throughout the day:

Raspberries1. Raspberries

A lot of people don’t know that fruit can bring in a great amount of fibre, especially raspberries. Just one cup of these tart berries brings in 8 g of fibre a day!

Whether they’re part of your morning smoothie, tossed on top of your overnight oats, or stirred into yogurt as an afternoon snack, raspberries are a filling sweet treat.

2. Lentils

Lentils are a wonderful legume that can be used in a variety of ways such as soups, salads, breads, stir-fried recipes, and more. Just one cup of lentils boasts 15.6 g of fibre – and as a bonus, lentils are also high in protein and have been known to help with digestion.

3. Black Beans

Black beans come in with a fibre count of 15 g per one cup. They also help maintain a healthy colon, and who doesn’t want that? Toss a hearty handful of black beans into your burrito, stir-fry, soup, or salad and you won’t be reaching for a snack anytime soon!

Green Peas4. Green Peas

Green Peas make this list because they’re an often overlooked veggie, even though they’re full of vitamins and mineral and so easy to add to meals.

Peas are great in soups, fried rice, pasta, and can even be blended into a nutritious soup! Best of all, these green goodies provide 8.8 g of fibre in just one cup!

5. PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan Protein Bar

Containing 15 g of plant protein, PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan Protein Bars** are the perfect treat to help keep you full and satisfied when you’re on the go! Available in three tasty flavours, these bars are also vegan and gluten free!

**Drink additional water [8 fl. oz] after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.


[1] Vann, Madline. “Fiber: How Much Is Too Much?” N.p., 2 June 2011. Web. 15 May 2016.

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3 Healthy Pizza Crusts You Can Feel Good About

3 Healthy Pizza Crusts You Can Feel Good About

A favourite food amongst many of us is a delicious slice of pizza. However, most people think of pizza as a comfort food and can’t shake that guilty feeling after enjoying a slice or two. But what if you could enjoy pizza without feeling like you were doing your body an injustice?

One of the most effective ways to lighten up your pizza is to forego the traditional wheat crust in favour of healthier alternatives. Here are three healthy pizza crusts you can enjoy, without the side of guilt:

1. Almond Flour Crust

Gluten is proteins that make up wheat and give foods an elastic texture and helps hold the particles together. Foods that contain flour are the biggest culprits for people who get sick from gluten.

To make pizza a little more gut friendly, try a crust that foregoes the traditional whole wheat flour, and uses almond flour instead! Almond flour contains the same nutrients as whole almonds, which we know are great for nutrition. Low in carbs and high in protein, fats, and fibres, almond flour pizza crust will keep you feeling fuller for longer. For a great almond flour pizza crust recipe, try the one over at Ditch the Wheat.

2. Cauliflower Crust

This white, mild-tasting veggie is high in vitamin C and other nutrients as well as antioxidants. When used as a pizza crust, cauliflower becomes crunchy and bread like, the perfect replacement for your average crust.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe


  • Head of cauliflower
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3/4 cup shredded cheese (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Wash cauliflower thoroughly and cut into pieces.
  3. Pulse in food processor.
  4. Place cauliflower in microwave for 4 minutes, or steam until tender (around 15 minutes).
  5. Once the cauliflower is tender, squeeze it with a strainer or nut bag. Add in eggs, garlic, salt and pepper to taste (adding cheese into crust is also optional).
  6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and create your desired crust shape. Bake in preheated oven for about 15 minutes, then put on your desired toppings and bake an additional 10 minutes.

3. Mini Zucchini Crusts

Using zucchini as a base for pizza is a fantastic idea! Granted, you’ll have bagel bite-sized pizzas, but it’s no less tasty, and they’re perfect for appetizers and entertaining.

Zucchini Pizza Crust Recipe

  1. Cut zucchini into disk shapes, about ½-inch thick.
  2. In a skillet, add 1–2 tablespoons of oil and cook zucchini on each side for about 2 minutes.
  3. Place mini zucchinis on a parchment lined cookie sheet.
  4. Layer on tomato sauce, cheese, and any other toppings of your choosing.
  5. Bake zucchini pizzas at 400 degrees until cheese has melted (this will not take long).
  6. Enjoy!
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6 Best Before and After Workout Foods to Energize

6 Best Before and After Workout Foods to Energize

What you eat before and after a workout plays a vital role in your energy levels. When you’re exerting energy during exercising your body will rely on what you have eaten prior, and when you’re done working out your body will start to recover, using the food/drink that you consume afterward.

To keep your body from feeling sluggish while exercising, eat the right pre- and post-workout foods.

3 Easy Pre-Workout Foods

As a general rule of thumb, try to consume a healthy snack 45 minutes prior to your workout. It shouldn’t be heavy, as you don’t want to feel weighed down, but it should be filling enough so that you don’t feel hungry. During your snack time, also try to drink one or two glasses of water to help ensure proper hydration.

Peanut Butter Toast With Banana1. Peanut Butter Toast With Banana

This pre-workout snack contains protein, fibre, magnesium, and potassium! In addition to being delicious, peanut butter also packs protein and fibre. Bananas have been used in endurance sports for decades because they contain vitamins, minerals, sit low on the glycemic level, and have also been known to help reduce muscle cramps.

2. Fruit Smoothies with Protein Powder

Whip up a fruit smoothie with mixed fruit, frozen bananas, nut milk, and top it off with a serving of protein powder such as PGX Satisfast Whey Protein Drink Mix*, which is available in two tasty flavours!

3. Fruit With Almond Butter

Almond butter comes jam packed with monounsaturated fats (the good kind of fat), magnesium, and has also been shown to support healthy heart function. Choose fruits that pair well with almond butter, such as apples and bananas.

3 Simple and Hearty Post-Workout Foods

Getting a solid meal into your system within 60 minutes of exercising is a goal worth shooting for. Food takes longer to digest than liquids, so the quicker you can eat something post workout, the faster your body can use that fuel to replenish the energy levels that have decreased during your workout.

Salad with Chicken or Tofu and Veggies1. Salad with Chicken or Tofu, and Veggies

Salads are a fantastic healthy post-workout meal. Choose from toppings like veggies, nuts, legumes, and boiled eggs to help your body get the nutrients it needs, while your protein can come from chicken, shrimp, and nuts.

Here’s a recipe for a simple, healthy salad dressing I really enjoy:

  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp fresh squeezed orange
  • 1 tbsp of honey

2. Protein Pancakes

These four-ingredient protein pancakes are much more than just a healthy alternative to traditional pancakes, they’re also incredibly delicious!  Complete this energy-boosting treat with a topping of nut butter and fresh fruit!

  • 1 large banana
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tbsp of your favourite vanilla protein powder
  1. Mash the banana.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the remaining ingredients, then add mashed banana.
  3. Pour the batter into heated skillet, cook through, and enjoy!

3. Marinated Protein and Sweet Potatoes

If you want something a bit heavier for a post-workout meal, a lean protein paired with a healthy carb like sweet potatoes or yams will do the trick!

  1. Cook your meat in a marinade of balsamic vinegar, lemon, and garlic.
  2. Cut the sweet potatoes into disks (about ¾ inch thick).
  3. Fill a skillet with ½ inch of water and cover the sweet potato disks. Cook until a fork can easily pierce through the potato.

*Drink additional water (8 fl. oz.) after ingesting PGX. If you are taking medications, take one hour prior to or two hours after taking PGX.

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